That is the amazing thing about perception, each of us has our own. You didn't come to that conclusion, I did.
dude i know that this is your perception and im not saying its invalid im just trying to see for myself where the fuck did it come from. Ill continue reading cuz maybe that will be answered after further reading.
Smile hinted at it by qualifying the people being stolen from as "already rich". If he/she didn't believe that qualification had an impact on the scenario it would not have been mentioned.
Since it was mentioned, it must have some impact on his/her perception of the situation.
smiles reply seemed sarcastic to say the least.
I can see where you start to make your assumptions but i still dont see where you come up with "he/she favors stealing from the rich while rejects stealing from the poor" when his/her statement was nothing but a disapproval of the system, as are all past statements made by him/her.
Yes it is of my own making of my perception of Smile's previous posting nature, and the seemingly contradictory sentiment in the post under question.
see smile having said to have anarchistic philosophies, I, having the same, instead interpretted his/her statement of "sure.. we shouldnt do piracy so the rich can keep gettin richer" (obviously paraphrased) as having nothing to do with piracy and instead with a disapproval of something deeper, an unjust social system (others like to think of it as an economic system tho, for some reason) and the absurdity of its priorities and ambitions/inhibitions.
Fair enough, however, even operating under the assumption (which I'm not) that my question was in fact out of the blue, why couldn't he/she still answer it?
Do all questions need to be found related by all parties before they can be considered to be answered?
lol no dude thats not what im saying.
The question can always be asked, i was just wondering at what "wide angled perspective" spawned such a question in the first place, since i had no similarities with such a point of view that required the need for such a question.
To me it seems like a lot of it comes simply from what is perceived as its dual nature of "one loves x so one must hate y" while such dual perspectives only have a place in the subject who in this case is posing the question.
The question was and still is relevant to me. My perception of Smile is that he/she has a concept of justice that operates on a sliding scale.
My question was an attempt to better understand that perception and it still stands unanswered.
I cant hate on that. One of the questions i ask people new to my life that tends to fill me in on their core beliefs are "are u going to heaven? am I?" .
So i agree that the question posed will always be a valid one, i just didnt know where what angle the question spawned from but like you said, this is your perception on the matter and we both know subjective perceptions say more about ones own reality than about anothers, and in this case in my perspective, the conditions that allowed your question to come forth were simply of your own conditioned reality rather than anything mentioned by smile.