Mista Sinista said:
Im with you on this shyt all the way. The U.S go overseas killin innocent people and shyt, but I dont see nobody gettin all emotional over that. America been doing dirt for the longest. That 9/11 shyt shouldnt have been no surprised to anybody who knew about the undercover dirt this country did. I cant remember what year it was...but what about when america aided some country in killin 3100 "innocent" people? It seems to me thats its alright when american do dirty shyt to innocnet people, but its so fuckin sad when them other countries retaliate. Im tellin ya...this country got yall minds polluted.
This country is not made up of just our Government system, what makes this country is the people that inhabit it. The people of this country didn't kill anyone--our government and military did. We don't get emotional about the death occuring overseas, this is correct, but there is something to consider-- 1. The majority of the people in this country don't know of whats going on in other countries, and if they did, it's likely sugar-coated through mainstream media to the point where we STILL don't know whats REALLY going on. Should we blame them, how can we? This country has my mind polluted because I think it's wrong to turn your back, and to say fuck 9/11? The majority of the people on this board don't even like the country they live in. In order to understand my point, you have to know that there is a line between the people and the government/military of this country. No matter how much opposition our govt. faces with the people of our nation, as independant as we stand, it won't mean a damn thing to them. These buildings that dropped, they didn't contain high-ranking government and military officials, they didn't have many of these people that make the decisions to invade and bomb. They contained, quite possibly, a very high number of American citizens that opposed bush and the thought of any interaction in IRAQ or AFGHANISTAN. Yet these are the people who suffered because of the flaws of our leaders, thousands of them died--how can anybody possibly sit there and think we shouldn't place so much focus on their death. They should have expected it? No, they shouldn't have expected it, especially since most of them were blind to any such possibility.
Mujahid said:
fuck 9/11, and as far as palestine nostril king, Israel is doing what US did to the Native americans, Invade a place and just fuckin kill everyone and take land. Its as simple as that, why dont you fuckheads understand. Its resistance, the dipshit american public thinks RESISTANCE means TERRORISM now.
Is bombing buildings of another country, also resistance?
What Israel is doing, do you see that as a porblem?
Yehuda said:
be quiet you faggot ben sharmutah. all of you muslmim are banim khamorot.
Sergeant Hustle said:
Folks are SERIOUSLY undereducated on what is really going on. Spoonfed patriotic bullshit while our government is out massacring women and children.
Under-educated, or under-taught? We can't learn anything without a teacher. Is it the fault of the people living in this country, that our media portrays false and misleading information as to what's going on in this and other nations? The truth is, neither you, nor I, or anyone else on this board, know everything that is going on. Our government is not out massacreing other people on behalf of our people, we didn't request it, so why hold us accountable?
Sergeant Hustle said:
Same is to be said for the thousands upon thousands of innocent people our country kills or is an accessory to murdering daily in countries all across the globe. Yes, 9-11 was sad...but we inflict far more massive crimes on other countries every single day and then want to be pissed when the dirt we do comes back on us.
Who is "we". Our Government, or the people? The "we" that inflict "massive crimes" on other countries, are not the "we" that were killed. Let me help you our here, "WE" didn't fuck with anybody, our Government did.
Sergeant Hustle said:
But I know being a part of this country means we all have it coming to us just like all the innocents abroad do when our government gets the trigger finger over some money or product that they want. We are guilty by association and will get what they think we deserve for massacring their people and sticking our snouts in business that is not ours.
Guilty by association? We don't have a choice of what country to live in. We are not guilty of anything but trying to live.
Snubnoze said:
I understand what yall sayin, but the folks in the buildings durring 9/11 ain't have shit to do with any of that. Its not different than if they crashed the planes into YOUR neighborhood...