Northwest It Is Imperative You All Vote

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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
All I gotta say is....we don't have a two party system. There's not just Democrat and Republican. Those are just what get the most attention....and either way you vote....BOTH OBAMA AND MCCAIN WILL PUT US FURTHER INTO DEBT. McCain will put us in debt a little bit LESS than Obama.....

Fuck voting. The only votes that "really matter" are the ones that go to the two shitty parties that haven't done anything to change shit since they were created. And just so people know, Republicans use to be the liberal ones back in the day, definitions just change....kinda like what those liars tell you....they tell you different shit but at the end of the day they do the same shit, they just go about it differently.

Vote Indy or Green or something that's NOT bullshit like Dem and Repub.

Good thread'll be the one who has no problem telling people like it is. No matter who you vote for, we'll be in more debt. We'll have a shitty univeral health care package of some sort, and we'll still be at war in countries we have no business being in....the only reason I think Obama is fuckign stupid is cause he thinks taking from the rich and giving to the poor will help.....Yeah, it's gonna help when businesses raise prices to make the same profit and people still wont' be abel to buy shit.....and FUCK taking money from someone who makes 250K a year and giving it to soemeone else.....that person makin 250K/ year probably earned it, and deserves it....not sayin others don't, but penalizing someone cause they had good opportunities is fucking stupid.

FUCK BOTH OF EM. :) Happy voting.
Jul 10, 2002
Anyone who thinks voting is a joke regarding local politics needs their heads checked.

Yes, it is disppointing Gregoire didn't impeade more to stop the sonics, but they were out regardless, no matter what, no if's and or but's. (you wanna be mad at someone, direct that anger towards Howard Schultz & Starbucks who made 80million on the sale, after claiming he was loosing money)

Lol at anyone to shun our local political system and thinks it doesn't matter.

There are already enough 13yrs having kids who want them, Rossi wants to force young girls who don't want to keep their seed, stay pregnant to full term anyway.
He will continue with tax cuts to the upper 1% of income earners, as well as cut health benefits for seniors and youth (in the name of economic stimulus). He is in the complete pocket of builders/developers and panders to the religious right of eastern washington.
He wants to cut min. wage for those in the hospitality industry, as well as teacher wages/benefits, and move to a voucher system (learn about voucher systems in school if you don't know). He'll continue to cut public defense funds, argue for harsher punsihment for drug convictions, seek more capital punishment and the list of terror goes on and on.... there is a HUGE difference.

He is a complete sleezeball who will let business and religion dictate his policy. If he's elected, we'll see who says 'voting don't mean shit' in 2012.

At the Federal Level, being a washington resident, you are right, your vote don't mean shit. Local politics is a whole nother story and this here is our own backyard.

Trust me and mark my words, us Washingtonians will feel the direct effects if Rossi gets into office. Much more then if McCain takes the crown, believe that.
Jul 10, 2002
Oh yeah, and if you have people who work in or use any type of social/public service, a vote for Rossi is basically that same thing saying 'fuck you' and spitting in directly in their face.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
rossi actually hadn't "lost" last night. at 7:15am this morning, only 55% of the votes were he theoretically could still win/have won...altho i hope that isn't the case.

i'm glad obama won over mccain, but i don't personally like either of them very much.
Jan 22, 2007
We are gonna have a fuckin mess in Oregon court rooms...measure 57 and 61 are passing...

on a positive note though the "McCain train" was derailed
Agreed! Glad the teachers are going to be kept on performance instead of seniority but yeah....some bullshit measures that are gonna cost us all a fuckload of money for prisons and longer sentences. I just don't think that if someone commits a crime against me that they get a lesser sentence than if I was 55 or over....bullshit.



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
you're welcome :)

and FUCK Gregiore and Rossi. They're both idiots. Get ready for that state sales tax, lol....Canada is looking better and better by the minute.

And about the teachers...that's good. fuck seniority. i hate that shit and some teachers really SUCK ass but do'nt get fired.
Jan 16, 2008
Agreed! Glad the teachers are going to be kept on performance instead of seniority
that wont work until obama gets rid of "no child left behind"...with no child left behind even the kids who just moved here from non-english speaking countrys have to take english tests that count against the teachers and schools...even the mentally challenged kids have to pass the same test as the normal kids.

my step dad teaches at a school with 29 foreign languages spoken, from russian to little languages nobody knows that are from refugee camps in africa, over half the kids in his class are ESL (english as a second language) and he could easily lose his job because all they judge the teachers upon is test scores
Jan 22, 2007
That's partly why the measure for non English classes. But yeah...didn't think of that. Damn good point. But I think they need to keep them kids in English classes till they are fluent enough to be on par with the rest of the kids. Also I think that the parents need to take more responsibility for teaching english in the home instead of just figuring that "the school will do it".