NORTHERN EXPOZURE 5 Final Album Cover & Tracklisting

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Sicc OG
Dec 26, 2003
Im hearing the CD and im kind of disappointed. To tell you the truth some of the new guys dont really sound good. Just dont like the lyrics and the flow isnt to good. Tracks 1-8 are good but the rest are pretty wack. TOO many tracks meaning less quality.

Oh yea isnt the definition of a norteno/a someone who is an american mexican. If someone other than that ethnicity being a norteno/a, your fighting the wrong war. But hey nothing wrong with hanging around them.

Just wondering where is kenu because he was my favorite next to woodie, x.o. , b-dawg.

how come the link dont work? is it even a site?

woodie what ethnicity are you anyways?
Nov 27, 2002
Oh heeeellllllllllllll no.

Who the hell is this CRBS hater with a grand total of ONE post to his name?? NE 5 is the most complex, most bangin, most hard hitting and deep thinking Norteno album of ALL TIME, period.

This guy thinks he's coming from out of nowhere to diss something that's the most impressive AND up to date Northern lyrics and beats to have ever been heard????


Those new voices are some of the best blood out there, and if you can't feel what they're doing then you are no kind of homie.

Nov 8, 2002
welcome back Biz aint seen you eN a minute. ::

& CRBS a Norteno is a Northerner and it was orginally formed out of hispanics now other races represent it, & Woodie is white. :: but it cooh you dont like it but dont hate tho


Sicc OG
Dec 26, 2003
Take it easy Nobodys Biz! Not every track is kick ass woodie and his friends have ever made. If you think that, your one good brown noser. So your telling me that track #11 with megan feat woodie is any good. Give me a break. Dont be fake. Still this cd doesnt come close to as good as northern expozure 1 and 2. Thats all im saying.

Keep up the music, and for every song being really good on a cd that is really rare.

Oh yea this is my second post but what does that matter. I just found this site when i was looking for somewhere to buy the cd.

Just seems odd to me because every norteno/a ive come across they were mexican. I cant picture any other hispanic getting involved because it didnt start with them in the first place. To me gangs are a big problem in this world. Dont really care for them but its entertaining to hear their stories and putting them into a song.
Nov 27, 2002

Actually I was hella digging Megan's track in particular partly BECAUSE there's been nothing like that from OR for the females before. It's a nice smooth tune that a lot of our own down homegirls will relate to-- something beyond the "bitch" "slut" tunes that apply to other kinds of broads. Homegirls been duckin down in the passenger seats staying true -- for reals.

If all you are hearing in the lyrics is gang this and gang that, you are not hearing the fact that these youngsters, the old voices as well as the new, are caught up passionately and deeply in the paradoxes of being born into these situations where the gang life has sometimes been a neccessary thing for survival-- both against the Mexican mafia and against corrupt forces in your own government. If all you are hearing is "gang"-- you lost the point, brother. Real talk.

I know you are coming to the whole topic without a clue about what Mexican has to do with Norteno, or what Black and Whites and Persians and Asians are doing collaborating here with the same ideas of self-preservation, defense, and survival against rivals-- You have a lot of homework to do, and I can't do it for you.

This album smashes hard for the first half, and brings a little bit of new extra talent and deep bass sounds to the forefront that have never been heard like this before-- Count your blessings for the new blood and hear what they're sayin' on a deeper level before you rest with the Lord's Prayer. There's way more to this shit than gangs and a few rushed bonus sets, trust.

If you can't hear it, Turn up the volume, turn up the bass, and listen again.


Sicc OG
Dec 26, 2003
Yea maybe Megan should join Destinys Child huh. I mean come on this cd talks about killings, and living the gang life. Then a song comes on about how she is going out with a "playa." Just seems soft compared to the rest of the songs on the track.

So your saying these guys and gals are already screwed once they are born because they are born into a gang family. If someone is influenced that easily your weak. Never grew up in a bad neighborhood because "my family" cared for me so much to not be influenced by scum on the streets shooting people and getting people involved in their cause infecting and brainwashing them. Plus as we all know the only way to get out of a gang is "6 feet deep" right! Wow wish i had friends like that in my life.

About how i dont know what the north and south represent to the mexicans you havent been reading my last post. North: mexicans born in the US, and the south: mexicans who were born in mexico. Its funny how this problem is only in the west and not anywhere else in the world. Hmm maybe because mexico is in the west. I guess thats why this is a mexican problem and no other ethnicity.

Oh yea so Woodie was caught up in the life of fighting against mexicans. Hmm last time i checked he was white, so he must have had a choice.

If this aint about gangs than how come they miss track 13?

Lol doing your homework about what. Gangs lol. Obviously you were never invloved in one but critisize others for not knowing what they are. Im going to barnes n nobles now and getting the book "DIFFERENT GANG LIVES." Thanks for the tip "gangster!"
Jul 21, 2002
you are speakin down on the people for living lives they have, but then turn around and say you have never even close to have lived a life like that, but for some reason you think you understand how it is. Save yourself some time CRBS, it's obvious you don't understand how it is to be in the shoes of a norteno homeboy, and chances are, you will never understand. No movie, cd, or magazine article will teach you. So you aren't feelin the cd, that's too bad, i'm not really diggin Tim McGraw's last cd either....keep on truckin
Aug 6, 2002
CRBS said:

About how i dont know what the north and south represent to the mexicans you havent been reading my last post. North: mexicans born in the US, and the south: mexicans who were born in mexico. Its funny how this problem is only in the west and not anywhere else in the world. Hmm maybe because mexico is in the west. I guess thats why this is a mexican problem and no other ethnicity.

Oh yea so Woodie was caught up in the life of fighting against mexicans. Hmm last time i checked he was white, so he must have had a choice.

If this aint about gangs than how come they miss track 13?

Lol doing your homework about what. Gangs lol. Obviously you were never invloved in one but critisize others for not knowing what they are. Im going to barnes n nobles now and getting the book "DIFFERENT GANG LIVES." Thanks for the tip "gangster!"

First off your whole thing about "North: mexicans born in the US, and the south: mexicans who were born in mexico." is way the hell off. and I ain't trying to talk down about you, but that is what most squares believe. Its too much of a slippery slope to explain, but you are complely wrong. (without getting to the arguement about if one should gang bang)

and where do you come off asking questions about things you don't know anything about? I mean opinions on music are cool but the other comments are better left kept to yourself.

P.S. welcome back nobody's biz



Sicc OG
Dec 26, 2003
One of my best friends is a Norteno. I hung around with them but never got involved in the rivalry part. Just because i havent gone through it doesnt mean i cant relate to it and understand. Half the people here cant even relate to what these lyrics are messaging. I like what they give out and i dont have to like everything they give out either.

If im wrong what is this rivalry about. Let me know how im wrong instead of not even explaining how. Half the people who are even involved dont know whats it is about. They are just in it because they were forced to.

Im not making fun of how they live, its just i dont think its healthy for the future. It doesnt give any progress in helping this world. Just imagine a world with out gangs. You know how much crime rate, murders & etc would go down.
Nov 27, 2002
I never said anyone here was screwed by being born into a "gang" family. People of many kinds are born into situations where they must fight back against oppression of all sorts-- whether physical gang violence, the social stigmas of poverty, struggling against discrimination, jails, death, betrayal, revenge, etc. NE5 is all about these conflicts, all about strategy, all about knowledge, not glamorizing the gang life or trying to recruit-- but telling it how it is in a very searching, expressive, and profoundly angry way.

The word "gang" isn't always about Boys in the Hood style turf wars-- there's something totally different going on here. These kids been living that life since their teens, and now can expose some of the toughest real lessons of the life in ways no top 10 hits radio rapper can.

This album is not limited to talking about "gangs" ..or about the problems, the struggles, the reasons, and the tragedies of the gang lifestyle. People are often born into conditions where they MUST battle to defend themselves and their homes and to survive-- That's the nature of war, whether you are in Afghanistan, Iraq, Timbuktu, or you are a California hometown street soldier.

You haven't noticed that Northerners are the rebels, the "freedom fighters," AGAINST the sureno gang of the MexicanMafia? You haven't heard about Northerners organizing to resist "taxation without representation" by scraps in prisons who represent for Mexico and not the US? Doesn't that sound like a form of international terrorism against us to you?

Hella old assed news been around for decades. How did you not notice? You missed the labor union beginnings of Nortenos who supported farm workers rights alongside Cesar Chavez?? Damn.... even Army street in SF was renamed for him.

There's a lot more to this music than "gang" lyrics-- there's REAL TALK about some of the fucked up things homeboys have had to endure and to do to survive AGAINST that foreign southern gang that would have prefered to try to extort Northern Californians years ago if they hadn't been smashed back hard.

Society and the scandal-driven media calls it "gang" activity when it's not government sponsored warfare, but it's still about homeboys here defending their homes from southern invaders and extorters, as well as from crooked cops who profit from ripping off and extorting youngsters who can barely feed themselves.

Government corruption keeps prisons overflowing with our blood, our fathers mothers, sisters brothers, sons daughters, even after Oliver North and the CIA were caught red handed dealing drugs to us to finance illigal wars at the expense of the California working class-- you missed that?

A lot of the lyrics have hell of more things to say about the failures and frustrations, the betrayals and sadness of being forced to defend your home, your family, and your lives to the point of having to kill the man trying to kill you and yours. I see gangs trying to invade Northern Cali from the South, and it looks like internationally sponsored Mexican terrorism against Mexican- Americans and other races already here to me. Call me a square- I didn't get the disinformation handout, but I've lived through generations of neighborhood youngsters trying to get up and out the best way they can, forming alliances to defend and protect themselves against the mulitudes of problems in the streets.

Did you miss Woodie's lyrics about Blackbird and God? What did you feel about the points he made? Where are you from? If you had such a Brady Bunch upbringing, why are you here and not listening to your elevator music on 8 track? Why are you here if you were so sheltered and you can't relate to real talk from the streets?

Yeah-- Megan reminds me of Destiny's Child too, but that's a compliment for her to build her career on. Why you want to hold her down to being stuck with only a gang style song and not show her skills in other areas?


Sicc OG
Dec 26, 2003
I applaud you. Cant argue to that. You obviously done your "homework." I dont really like all of the things they say on the cd but its something that stuck to me because its alot better than the materialistic crap they put out on the radio and tv.

I dont see how this is real talk on the streets since its an online forum. As i said again i ran upon this searching for his new cd. Glad i did because it put me to my place.
Aug 6, 2002
CRBS said:
One of my best friends is a Norteno. I hung around with them but never got involved in the rivalry part. Just because i havent gone through it doesnt mean i cant relate to it and understand.