North American Union- The end of the US and freedom?

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Nov 21, 2005
Bush claims to be A Christian.. Yet he is part of the Skull and Bones Death cult... where he had to kiss a skull and jack off in a coffin...

On top of everything making a one world governemnt is a satanic agenda.
But good thing I'll probably be dead and too old by the time they even get away with it.. if they do.. They have been delayed alot though.
Nov 21, 2005
nhojsmith said:
so now the UK relative to the rest of the world doesnt have freedom? LOL. there is no reason to speak with you further on this topic.
Once again you don't address any of the facts.

I gues having the gov. Record your every move on the street and yell at you when you don't act right is FREEDOM.

WOW I realy wish I had that in the us! I would feel to much more free.

WOW what was I thinking. Man I guess there is no reason for YOU to speak on the subject of MY thread. Since your once again provide no evidence of what you speak about but act all high and mighty.. without even reading what this all involves.
Dec 8, 2005
Mi$ta-Murda187 said:
Once again you don't address any of the facts.

I gues having the gov. Record your every move on the street and yell at you when you don't act right is FREEDOM.

WOW I realy wish I had that in the us! I would feel to much more free.

WOW what was I thinking. Man I guess there is no reason for YOU to speak on the subject of MY thread. Since your once again provide no evidence of what you speak about but act all high and mighty.. without even reading what this all involves.
dude ive neverr had a problem with you and i let all your little ramblings slide and laughed them off.

but....address the facts?!?!?! you arent even a real person fool, you are a comic book character. if i want to have a conversation with you all i have to do is go google in "conspiracy theory" or "ron paul HQ" and i can find every single "thought" or great "idea" you have ever had in your life.

adress the facts?!?! you havent really responded to anything i have said, whereas i challenged your statements directly. YOU asked the question if a north american union would be the end of the US and freedom. I responded by asking whether it ended freedom in the UK, which it obviously didnt. You come back with some gay lines about how they want to video tape people in public and therefore the UK isnt free anymore. lol. Well heres a fact, that already happens in the US, the land of the patriot act. The title of this thread implies that you think the US is currently free. So with the patriot act and our domestic surveilance you still think the US if free, but somehow the UK isnt?

I dont have to provide any evidence you stupid faggot, the burden of proof is on you with all your strong claims. you just twist the word freedom around to suit whatever your new scheme is. do you even understand what the hell im saying? where is the FACT that a north american union will be the end of the US and freedom? but lets get to facts, in your little world view you actually think the us is sovereign. are you fucking kidding? did your mommy ever tell you about globalilzation?


Apr 25, 2002
nhojsmith said:
A problem that i think indirectly contributed to the war on terror, the war in iraq, the wests presence in the middle east, our stringent and inwavering support of israel etc.....

This is a loaded question. But lets say i agree that its a "problem", then yes, all illegal immigration by definition would inherently increase the population and since mammals need food it would also reduce resources. But enough with the semantics, I will try to respond to what i think you are getting at and then spou off as usual....

the illegal immigration "problem" is the UK, i think, will prove much more detrimental because of the escalating problems in the middle east and the nature of the threat. in the UK you have muslims entering a christian/atheist nation. the radicals there are calling for revolution and instituting sharia law IN THE UK. On the other hand in the US, we have our christian brothers from the south coming to the US to be a part of our economy. obviously not all want to assimilate, but they certianly arent pressing any radical changes because we are already very similar in our christian value system. i would much prefer christian immigrants from one country than muslim immigrants from several.

My main problem with illegal immigration from mexico isnt the mexicans, its the national security threat that is posed when we realize that if malnourished uneducated peasant worker from oaxaca can WALK into our country, then certianly college educated oil funded radical muslims from all over the world will have no problem doing the same. in fact, the US has already been compromised. we admit that there is at least one suitcase nuke in the US. we admit that we dont know who is coming over the southern border. we admit that we have middlea easterers apprehended on the souther border as evidenced by them carrying the koran....are the people terrorists? i dont know, and thats precisely the point.
So you would agree that americas "culture/way of life" or "freedoms" are being compromised by the border situation correct?
Nov 21, 2005
Wow the only thing that was even intelligent about your whole post was that you even typed the WORD globalilzation. Yes that is what is going on. Bottom line if this happened their will be a new world order where every country will recognize ONE global authority.

It's pretty clear your are neo con or a facsicist to evern keep talking to someone like ME on such a sub level of intelligence... LOL
Nov 21, 2005
What I find funny about this thread it that NO ONE has addressed what this thread is about. Or thay Ron Paul is the only one who opposses this bullthist.

Also I find funny how no one addresses ANY of the facts in these new clips.

But like I said go back to the REAL WORLD. There is not North American Union or One World Government. It's just an illusion....LOL all these news clips are made up.
Apr 25, 2002
This is true, but this is what's inevitable.

There is NOTHING you can do about this happening. It's manifest DESTINY.

So, don't get so worked up. Just train your kids to use weapons or don't have any kids if you're really worried about it, stock up on fire power while you can, keep yourself sane and don't go off the deep end following anyones' politics, but rather your own instincts and fight when the time comes.

The founding fathers knew this would happen, as, like I said, it's manifest destiny.
May 9, 2002
nhojsmith said:
definitely. it seems logical to me. we are a christian nation, having fellow christians move here provides one less barrier to assimilation, at least, much more so than muslim immigration, especially in light of current events. problem with this statement?
Yes, I do. You came off as generalizing ALL muslims as something you dont want here for unkonw reasons. I dont know you from a can a paint, so maybe you think Muslims=terrorists. It just came off as sideways. Whatever, it is what it is.
May 14, 2002
Im gonna play devils advocate and play along with what your saying but how does needing a passport to go to canada or mexico now make this connection easier??
Dec 25, 2003
National IDs in Europe, along with stricter regulation of businesses; far less identity theft.

EU in Europe (Obviously); No less freedom. In fact it is quite easy to move temporarily or permanently from country to country.