North American Union- The end of the US and freedom?

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Nov 21, 2005
I hope you all know Bush already signed Agreements with Canada and Mexico for a North American Union. This is a fact.
Its called the SPP.

Also They do want open borders. And their goal is to change the dollar to the Amero. This has already been admited.

They also want give control of the NAU to the Banks and Corporations to set up a dictatorship. The New World Order.

The good thing is states have already passed resolutions to block the North American Union. As well as states who have declared independence of the REAL ID act. So I can always move to one of the free states.

The REAL ID ACT is real. They want to issue National Id Cards to control people in the North American Union.

Ron Paul Must be elected. Because all other candidates are for the North American Union. If this happens all freedoms and rights (what we have left of them) In the US will be gone.

HERE IS THE INFO: Reported on the NEWS! Here are real news clips.

They signed these agreements since 2005. But no one ever heard of it.

This is not, and was never a conspiracy. If you read CFR documents you would know all this 10 years ago.

North American NightMare:

North American Union Reports:

Here is a report on the Amero Currency Plan: The North American New Currency, for Canada, Mexico, and the US.

They have this planned to have this done by
2010.That's only 3 more years.

You all need to learn about this.

They want to set up a communist gov. With no freedom for anyone.

Ron Paul is the only that will stop this. So you all need to vote for him.
Dec 8, 2005
HERESY said:
A problem that caused hundreds of thousands to protest?
A problem that i think indirectly contributed to the war on terror, the war in iraq, the wests presence in the middle east, our stringent and inwavering support of israel etc.....

HERESY said:
A problem that will increase the countries population and reduce the resources in less than 50 years?
This is a loaded question. But lets say i agree that its a "problem", then yes, all illegal immigration by definition would inherently increase the population and since mammals need food it would also reduce resources. But enough with the semantics, I will try to respond to what i think you are getting at and then spou off as usual....

the illegal immigration "problem" is the UK, i think, will prove much more detrimental because of the escalating problems in the middle east and the nature of the threat. in the UK you have muslims entering a christian/atheist nation. the radicals there are calling for revolution and instituting sharia law IN THE UK. On the other hand in the US, we have our christian brothers from the south coming to the US to be a part of our economy. obviously not all want to assimilate, but they certianly arent pressing any radical changes because we are already very similar in our christian value system. i would much prefer christian immigrants from one country than muslim immigrants from several.

My main problem with illegal immigration from mexico isnt the mexicans, its the national security threat that is posed when we realize that if malnourished uneducated peasant worker from oaxaca can WALK into our country, then certianly college educated oil funded radical muslims from all over the world will have no problem doing the same. in fact, the US has already been compromised. we admit that there is at least one suitcase nuke in the US. we admit that we dont know who is coming over the southern border. we admit that we have middlea easterers apprehended on the souther border as evidenced by them carrying the koran....are the people terrorists? i dont know, and thats precisely the point.
Oct 6, 2005
The US has no choice... The EU is becoming a larger global player every year... And the growing anti-Americanism in Europe is spreading... When Germany and France were giving the US a middle finger it didn't matter much... Why would the United States give two shits about those arrogant bastards...? But now that the European Union is beginning to demonstrate some of that same anti-American attitude, the US is taking notice... What better way to offset a new rising super power than to create one of your own...?
May 9, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
For all the bitching you cats do about America you get uber nationalist real quick. How do you get by with such Schizophrenic ideology?
Thereis something wrong with NO liking the way our country is run? And then some of these people feel that this idea is WORSE is being a "nationalist"?

Dog, I lov the US. However, as stated THOUSANDS of times, I do NOT like the way the government RUNS it. Is that too hard to understand? How many times does this have to be said before all the right wingers GET IT????

Fuckin A i swear on everything "holy" some people just BLOCK out certain shit just to be faithful to their own beliefs no matter what ...get over yourselves PLEASE...
May 9, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
You think I'm right wing? Hahahahaha.
Who said I was referring to you? I think you are a realist, and thats fine and dandy. However, you seem to side more with what the government says, which would be classified in mainstream terms as "right wing".

I dont beleive a drop of what the government says, democratic or republican. Matter of fact, I dont trust ANYONE unless I was there to witness it myself.

Proof: the bible :confused:
Apr 25, 2002
HERESY said:
A problem that caused hundreds of thousands to protest? A problem that will increase the countries population and reduce the resources in less than 50 years?
Immigration is a hell of a problem in the EU. Protests, riots, obstacle to Turkey's admission.
Nov 21, 2005
LOL after all this evidence on TV on MAINSTREAM media.. Cold Blooded still thinks this is a tin foil hat conspiracy. When he had NO idea this shit was singned to in 2005. And has plans to be done by 2010.

But yes none of this is real. It's all an illusion. Please go back to eating you nachos... lol

But I am glad Cold Blooded said he would not undermine US soverignty in his president thread.

But if one currency for 3 countries such as the Amero came to be that would destory our soveriengty..
And bush has done a great job of burning half our consitution.. so far..

Not that they played by the rules when it was in tact anyway!

But of course they see it as a god damm piece of paper!

I see the SPP.. and REAL ID as god damm piece of paper as well!

A pieces of paper that can burn in HELL! yesssssssssss
Nov 21, 2005
nhojsmith said:
Did the EU mean the end of the UK and freedom?
People in the UK don't even have freedom in the streets! They want to put in 24/7 video cams that video tape people. And it they don't act "Right" There are people watching who will YELL at them. And also those cams do not stop crime cause people get stabbed and killed all the time! And havn;'t they heard of something waering a mask .. yeah those cams are really to check good people in check mate.

Also they want to make a national ID card that has to have everyone use Biometric scanners to get on planes or do anything.

But yeah they UK is very FREE. all this oppression in the name of terrorism they themselves caused. Nothing new from what HItler did.. when he burned his own Riechstag..
Dec 8, 2005
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Wow, did you REALLY just say that? :confused:
definitely. it seems logical to me. we are a christian nation, having fellow christians move here provides one less barrier to assimilation, at least, much more so than muslim immigration, especially in light of current events. problem with this statement?
Dec 8, 2005
Mi$ta-Murda187 said:
People in the UK don't even have freedom in the streets! They want to put in 24/7 video cams that video tape people. And it they don't act "Right" There are people watching who will YELL at them. And also those cams do not stop crime cause people get stabbed and killed all the time! And havn;'t they heard of something waering a mask .. yeah those cams are really to check good people in check mate.

Also they want to make a national ID card that has to have everyone use Biometric scanners to get on planes or do anything.

But yeah they UK is very FREE. all this oppression in the name of terrorism they themselves caused. Nothing new from what HItler did.. when he burned his own Riechstag..
so now the UK relative to the rest of the world doesnt have freedom? LOL. there is no reason to speak with you further on this topic.