a yo norte_mkkn, i feel what you are sayin. it is kind of hard to see these punk rocker fags from like Skyhawk or Fountiangrove act like there down with norte. i have like one or two white homies that put it down, and if you saw some places on some days, it would look like a bunch of peckerwoods wearing red with a brown guy in the back. hey maybe theyre all exceptions and all down, im jus sayin if i were to see a gang of white guys in blue throwin a three at me, i might get a little confused. i am part white and i got nothing against white people at all, but some people need to realize it aint a trend. i know a white guy that is a straight up hick from larkfield or healdsburg or something that tries to be down. he is fuckin huge though so nobody fucks with him, hes a punk though then i know a a white guy (most white like 30 percent mexican i think) who is straight up from the bad side of town who is down as fuck, who always gets capped on for being white, kind of fucked up.