"Noah's Ark" remains discovered in Iran

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May 8, 2002
June 29) - A team of Texas archaeologists believe they may have located the remains of Noah's Ark in Iran's Elburz mountain range.

"I can't imagine what it could be if it is not the Ark," said Arch Bonnema of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (B.A.S.E) Institute, a Christian archeology organization dedicated to looking for biblical artifacts.

Bonnema and the other B.A.S.E. Institute members hiked for seven hours in the mountains northwest of Tehran, climbing 13,000 feet before making the apparent discovery.

"We got up to this object, nestled in the side of a hill," said Robert Cornuke, a member of the B.A.S.E. Institute. "We found something that has my heart skipping a beat."

At first, they didn't dare to hope it was the biblical boat.

"It wasn't impressive at first," Cornuke said. "Certainly didn't think it to be Noah's Ark. But when we got close, we were amazed. It looked similar to wood."

In addition, some B.A.SE. members say, their discovery didn't look very distinctive.

"It looked like the deck of any boat today," Bonnema said.

Long Search for the Ark

The Bible places the Ark in the mountains of Ararat, a mountain range theologians believe spans hundreds of miles, which the team says is consistent with their find in Iran.

The Bible also describes the Ark's dimensions as being 300 cubits by 50 cubits -- about the size of a small aircraft carrier. The B.A.S.E. Institute's discovery is similar in size and scale.

"It is provocative to think that this could be the lost ark of Noah," Cornuke said

Throughout history, people have been searching for the Ark to help prove God's existence.

"There's this idea, if we can prove that the ark existed then we can prove that the story existed, and more importantly, we can prove that God existed," said Bruce Feiler, author of "Where God Was Born."

Previous scholars have searched for the Ark on Mount Ararat in Turkey.

"Czar Nicholas, actually, in 1916 sent two expeditions to photograph it on top of Mount Ararat," said Feiler.

One former U.S. president, Feiler said, looked for it in the mountains of Iran.

"There is a story that Jimmy Carter, on his way to visit the Shah of Iran in 1977, purposefully flew over it," he said.

As recently as March, researcher claimed to have satellite photos that proved the presence of Ark remains. The B.A.S.E institute hopes the physical evidence they've brought back from Iran will hold the answer to this enduring mystery.

"People will always be looking for it, always be skeptical, always be excited of the search," Cornuke said. "But I think we found something here that's very notable."

The B.A.S.E. Institute's samples are being examined at labs in Texas and Florida. B.A.S.E officials concede that there would be no way to conclusively prove that their finding is actually Noah's Ark.

So the hunt goes on. The biggest hurdle in identifying Noah's Ark comes down to "gopher wood." The Bible says the Ark was made of gopher wood but no one knows what it is.

ABC News' Chris Cuomo reported this story for "Good Morning America."



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I've heard rumors about it being in mountains over there. Interesting...but uh....I don't think so. And nobody knows what "gopher wood" is, so they'll never be able to figure out if it's really the ark they are finding, if in fact it really exists in the first place....Nice read though.
Aug 13, 2005
The Observer (London) by Martin Wroe

LONDON -- Noah's Ark has been found on the Turkish-Iranian border, 32 kilometers from Mount Arafat, according to the leader of a team of scientists that has been investigating the site for six years.

The Turkish government is so convinced by the findings that, after years of intransigence, it has designated the site one of special archaeological interest and agreed to its excavation next summer.

The remote site contains a buried, ship-like object, resting an altitude of 2,300 meters. At 170 meters long and 45 meters wide, it conforms almost exactly to the 300 cubit by 50 cubit boat that God told Noah to build, according to Genesis 6 in the Bible.

On surrounding terrain, the American and Middle Eastern scientists have identified huge stones with holes carved at one end, which they believe are "drogue-stones," dragged behind ships in the ancient world to stabilize them. Radar soundings indicate unusual levels of iron-oxide distribution.

Salih Bayraktutan, head of geology at Turkey's Ataturk University, estimates the age of the 'vessel' at more than 100,000 years (According to the Bible, Adam the first of human beings was created some 6000 years ago, as you can see this is a clear contradiction to the Bible. The Qur'ân however doesn't specify the when Adam was born, it does say the human beings were created a long time ago.) "It is a man-made structure and for sure it is Noah's Ark." The site is directly below the mountain of Al-Judi, named in the Koran (Qur'ân) as the Ark's resting place.

David Fasold, an American shipwreck specialist with no religious affiliation, has led the investigation. He says subsurface radar surveys of the site have produced "very good pictures." "The radar imagery at about 25 meters down from the stern is so clear that you can count the floorboards between the walls."

He believes the team has found the fossilized remains of the upper deck and that the original reed substructure has disappeared. But the findings have infuriated the scores of Christian Ark-hunters who travel to Turkey, convinced the Ark will only be found on Mount Ararat.

Fasold, who calls himself an "Archeologist," also argues that it was not a great flood that pushed the Ark into the mountains. He says it was "an astronomical event causing a tectonic upheaval, a tidal bore causing gravitational pull in the ocean waters that forced the boat into the mountains."

Some of Fasold's team of geophysicists and geologists are reserving final judgment until the excavation and carbon-dating. But in a British TV series on the environment next month, team member Vendyl Jones, a Middle East archaeologist and inspiration for film character Indiana Jones, says it is "between maybe and probably" that they have found Noah's Ark.

The Qur'ânic verse detailing about the resting place of the Noah's Ark is found in Chapter Hud, verse 44 (Qur'ân 11:44). The verse says: When the word went forth: "O earth! swallow up thy water and O sky! withhold (thy rain)!" and the water abated and the matter was ended. The Ark rested on Mount Judi and the word went forth: "Away with those who do wrong!"

The 49th verse of the same Chapter says: "Such are some of the stories of the Unseen which We have revealed unto you: before this neither you nor your people knew them. So persevere patiently: for the end is for those who are righteous."


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
EclipseGRFX said:
I've read lots of shit on this..there is something that looks like an outline of the ark but thats not it..there's something alot higher thats buried under snow that they think is it. Unfortunately the government won't let them investigate that high in the mountain.

Well that's a wrap then, cause if God wanted them to find it, they would have! lol....:x
Aug 26, 2002
AGENT707 said:
Who's Noah, and whats the deal with his Ark?

Noah - OG from compton. He reppd the Hoover set...then the PIRU..
so he got shot at alot..

fool went and built himself a boat in the hood..and called it the ARK.

stand for Absolute Ridculous Kidd...a name he was known by..



Sicc OG
Aug 8, 2003
JLMACN said:
Noah - OG from compton. He reppd the Hoover set...then the PIRU..
so he got shot at alot..

fool went and built himself a boat in the hood..and called it the ARK.

stand for Absolute Ridculous Kidd...a name he was known by..

nah u trippin homie, your thinking of judas... Noah was the pimp who collected hoz of diffrent colors in pairs of two.. the ARK was the name of his love machine.. some hatin ass fool made it rain for hella dayz and he got his shit stuck and had too call for a ride back.. when he went back for it that shit was stripped down to the hull and sittin on concrete blocks.. dam haterz i tell ya
Jan 6, 2006
TROLL said:
nah u trippin homie, your thinking of judas... Noah was the pimp who collected hoz of diffrent colors in pairs of two.. the ARK was the name of his love machine.. some hatin ass fool made it rain for hella dayz and he got his shit stuck and had too call for a ride back.. when he went back for it that shit was stripped down to the hull and sittin on concrete blocks.. dam haterz i tell ya

Jan 6, 2006
JLMACN said:
Noah - OG from compton. He reppd the Hoover set...then the PIRU..
so he got shot at alot..

fool went and built himself a boat in the hood..and called it the ARK.

stand for Absolute Ridculous Kidd...a name he was known by..