No more Wedge for Kick Returns in NFL??? Plus a couple more new rules

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May 9, 2002
nfl is still fuckin great , bunch of winey bitches on here
No is saying that there are going to STOP watching the NFL, but this raises the question of how much is TOO much when it comes to letting the players play? I mean, how far will they go? Why dont they just wrap all the players on the field with fuckin bubble wrap so no one gets hurt?

The NBA has become pussified becuase of the virtual "no touch" rules that they have. SHit, even if you BREATHE on a player wrong, there is a fuckin foul called...and the NBA aint even a CONTACT SPORT. Imagine what the NFL would be like if they were as sentsitve as Stern...the NFL would literally be a 2-hand touch league. Do you want that? How far do they go before YOU say soimething about a faggy the league has gotten?


Sicc OG
Jul 2, 2002
What about the no crackback rule? Hines Ward might as well just retire..
Is this real or are you being sarcastic.......Of so thats weak as fuck......When i played wide reciver in high school we had a crackback play were we took out the out side LB.......We use to drop em to their knees or get their cleats in the air........This is weak...


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
Is this real or are you being sarcastic.......Of so thats weak as fuck......When i played wide reciver in high school we had a crackback play were we took out the out side LB.......We use to drop em to their knees or get their cleats in the air........This is weak... NFL passes rule eliminating crackback blocks (03.24.2009)

"The initial force of a blindside block can't be delivered by a helmet, forearm or shoulder to an opponent's head or neck. An illegal blindside block will bring a 15-yard penalty."

So, technically, crackbacks haven't been completely banned. Just the fun part.