No more Wedge for Kick Returns in NFL??? Plus a couple more new rules

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May 13, 2002
WTF??? That's some pussy ass shit right there. The wedge is pretty important part of the return game, now you'll get penalized...

At their meeting in Dana Point, Calif., NFL owners passed a measure that would essentially eliminate the wedge on kickoff returns after the competition committee determined that too many injuries were occurring. Any more than two players acting as wedge-setters will draw a 15-yard penalty at the spot of the wedge.

That's just plain retarded. I can already see problems. Teams trying to do it by the rules (two guys together) and a third guy comes to help out in a block. Flag. 15 yards. BS

In addition:

The NFL also will stop the bunching of players on onside kicks, protect blockers from a helmet-to-helmet hit from the blindside and protect receivers from defenseless forearm or shoulder hits to the head.​

What?? So how the fuck are you supposed to get an onside kick then?? Another idiotic rule from the idiotic league.
May 9, 2002
The NFL continues to spiral down to the level of the NBA as far as regulations go. THey are fuckin up the sanctity of the game, IMO.

Within the next 10 years, expect the NFL to turn into the NFFL (National Flag Football League).
May 13, 2002
The NFL continues to spiral down to the level of the NBA as far as regulations go. THey are fuckin up the sanctity of the game, IMO.

Within the next 10 years, expect the NFL to turn into the NFFL (National Flag Football League).
Why are they so retarded? Don't they realize kick returns can be some of the most exciting plays of the game? Wouldn't it be in their interest to give the return team more of an advantage to add excitement? smh

And it seems pretty ridiculous to keep changing the rules after injuries occur. Injuries occur on EVERY damn play. It's a full contact sport. I understand about helmet-to-helmet, chop blocks, etc., but this is just crazy. So what if a guy gets blocked by 2-3 people? There is a specific name for the person on the kickoff team (cant remember the term) whose role is to take those blockers out anyways.

Getting really frustrated with the NFL. I mean a big part of the reason I stopped watching the NBA was because of all the stupid ass penalties and rule changes, and you're right, the NFL is headed the same direction.
Oct 18, 2008
The best comment ive heard about this is what troy polamalu said.......
Agreed 100%

It loses so much of its essence, and it really becomes like a pansy game," the Steelers' Pro Bowl strong safety said.

"I think regarding the evolution of football, it's becoming more and more flag football, two-hand touch. We've really lost the essence of what real American football is about. I think it's probably all about money. They're not really concerned about safety."

Polamalu said it's tough to know when you can even hit a quarterback anymore.


Master of Debauchery
Aug 18, 2003
Off the Grid
The "Wedge" is and has been one of the most effective plays in Football history at all levels! So, yeah, this is bullshit! I can only imagine how many Special Teams coaches that are pissed off right now! I understand why they took out "The Flying Wedge", but to take the "Wedge" out completely is insane. The "Wedge" play is the most practiced play I have coached with my youth teams the last three years. Whether on Special Teams or Offense, it has been the majority of my play calls. No one can stop it if you coach it correctly and your players run it right!


Master of Debauchery
Aug 18, 2003
Off the Grid
Wedge Play

Since we are talking about the "Wedge", here is a clip of a high school team that runs it. I know we were specifically talking Special Teams, but it's still formed and ran the same from an Offense. I love this clip, because it shows how deceitful the play is. The announcer and camera man even lose the ball during a play. The announcer thinks it's run out of a "Full House", but it's actually the "Single Wing" (Where the "Wildcat" got it's birth from). The "Wedge" was also the play Vince Lombardi called and Bart Starr ran to beat the Cowboys in the last play of the "Ice Bowl"...