Old$chool said:
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Sorry to dissapoint you kid, but raiders legacy from 60-04????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE, don't make me fuckin laugh. Looks like I even know YOUR team better than you do. "You're one of those people who throw around 5 for 5 all day?" What? Make some fuckin sense. You're tryin to tell me to discount the NINER DYNASTY when you bring up your weak ass team? "60-04????" Uhm, what did they win in the 60's????? Cuz it sure as fuck wasn't a super bowl. So, that kills your 60's "legacy." First of all, the raiders won ONE super bowl in the 70's (the STEELERS OWNED the 70's winning FOUR super bowls, not the faggot ass raiders-that is a FACT). So that kills your 70's "legacy." One super bowl in 81 and one in 84 (when the NINERS took over and OWNED the 80's). So that kills your 80's "legacy." NONE in the 90's (that kills your 90's "legacy") and NONE in the new millenium. That kills your whole "60-04 legacy," don't it? While the NINERS DYNASTY won five during the 80's and into the 90's, period. Learn my team? I know more about my team AND your team. Since you obviously don't know shit about football, it ain't no 5 years I'm talking about. Five super bowls, fifteen division titles, 18 winning seasons in the 20 years that your team last won a super bowl, not just "5 years"-THAT is a DYNASTY, not your weak ass supposed "legacy." Especially when the NINERS were the FIRST team to win five, period. And they're the one of only TWO teams to do so in NFL history, period. And the bitch ass raiders AIN'T the other team. Don't hate and don't try to erase history. Face it, the NINERS DYNASTY is LEGENDARY and FACTUAL. Your raiders "nation" is non-existent. Maybe you should try to lower your expectations and maybe try to actually sell-out a home game or two. Why do you raider "fans" (all 12 of you) worry so much about what the NINERS do anyway? We're not even in the same divison. Our teams winning or losing don't affect each other, so why do you constantly cry and bitch about other teams? Worry about not being able to watch your team on TV during home games instead or worrying about what the Bay Area LEGENDS are doing in SF.