Yo quick go shit for the props, but u cant take this shit personal, its just sports competitiveness!! U know Cowboys & Whiners are a rivalry so this happens!! So dont take mt clowning to heart, but shit talkin makes the sports more fun!!! U atleast give prp[s when they are due so good lookin out!! Now back to the post, the whiners are still booboo at 7-8!! Yall was sipposed to be a playoff team that fired Mariucci, cause yall thought yall would go further with a more aggressive coach!! Thats fine and all, but yall brought in booboo Erickson, when yall should have brought in Green or sumone like that!!! But again the Whiners had a disapointing season and my team resurfaced so its all good!! Deal with it Fatal Pluto!! GOT EM!!!!