are you finished crying yet? i called you a dumbass bcuz you are one. one name and you write a short paragraph about it. pussy. oopz there'z another name, i'll prepare myself for tha consequences. yea right.
players of EVERY POSITION have bad gamez. dont be such an ignorant motherfucker. "How many bad days has he had?" i dont know Tony, you tell me since you're the expert on Ahmed Plummer and his performance. can you name another bad game Plummer has had? im not talking about tha whole Niner secondary, im talking about Ahmed Plummer and only Ahmed Plummer. i bet you cant think of another time. and for tha record, Plummer didnt give up all 3 of those TD's to NYG.
as for Cleveland.... you can thank Mr. Pass Interference Mike Rumph for them "picking apart" tha Niner secondary. they picked apart Rumph, that'z it. seemz to me you dont really watch tha gamez. you probably just watch tha highlightz on tha newz or ESPN and make your judgements about playerz on how well their character does on Madden. please, give me a break.