Hey if you can name a better QB on roster over the last decade other than maybe Shaun Hill I could dig it, but uhh troy smith was horeshit and therefore Alex is the starter and Ima get on the front lines and talk shit to the opposing team, I just feel like Alex gets too much shit and my excuse is not that he's had hella cordinators and coaches but that our team has been fuckin garbage for a minute also I like his attitude about it, wish he was more aggressive some times but hes fuckin up and he knows hes fuckin up so hes watchin his step, Kaepernick needs to hit the weights and turn into Michael Robinson 2.0 cuz hes not gonna get it done for us
what it is, is that 9er fans are so fuckin angry at Alex Smith instead of the team as a whole that any scent of a new QB sends them into a frenzy leading to statements we saw last year calling for Nate Davis, David Carr, and Troy Smith
what it is, is that 9er fans are so fuckin angry at Alex Smith instead of the team as a whole that any scent of a new QB sends them into a frenzy leading to statements we saw last year calling for Nate Davis, David Carr, and Troy Smith