no time for small minded people like this. if you want to worry about illegal music take your ass to the middle of down town Seattle and give the people that actually making duplictation of real actual albums this same talk. go to the local bootleg spot or flea market and get the muthafukas who really dont give a shit about the artist and give them the speech. dont come tryin to flex up like you know what the fuck the motive behind the mixtapes at swc are. people like you are always the biggest hypocrites period. northwest is very unexposed area that i wasnt even up on at one point. im from the south, due to SWC i was put onto Street Level Records and thats now one of my fav labels out of the Northwest. and u wont find no CDRS or MP3's of none of them in my collection, all original discs. thats the best example i can give of how the mixtapes can impact someones decision on buying or purchasing a product they may have not of been famialir with before. like i said if u dont really want to stop somebody from illegal music swapping get your ass on RAGE or MIRC or these file swapping sites and come up wit a virus to eliminate the mass exchanging of these artists somethin besides discouraging somebody helping the artists get exposure. u bitch u.