shit i remember bumpn hammer and will smith when i was a git
i know music have evolved into a better sound
either that or we get older and bias on the things we liked as a child
before hip hop separated into different genres
it was the (rap) the art for that was that move people
the ability
i have heard worst
and some of ya listen to worst than nick cannon
and in my opinion if he didnt have that nickalodeaon stilo on his head
more support would favor him
^^ well thats jus not my opinion clearly
i am now way saying if nick cannon drops and album today im gonna rush to the nearest FYI and purchase it
the hate i read in some not all of the post about nick cannon or others is distasteful
especially if you a gangsta
im not a fan of alot of artist i rather save any negative word that i might say or type in order to not discourage any neg or pos promotion for oneself.
let a person kill they own self
LOL @ FATMAN that was funny