Jamie...if you're gonna diss me....get your own material...quit being such a cock gobbler.
Yeah.....that's me in the picture.....the original picture was a 70 Mile shirt....zero media couldnt help but doctor it to his liking.
Zer0.MediA said:
How would you know he was doing that if you weren't at the forum yourself??
It's called using the search option on someone's account....i'm sure you know how to do it. If you're gonna claim you get more pussy than someone else, you dont sit on the computer lookin at bitches at 12:30 AM....ON A FRIDAY NIGHT. If you dissagree then whatever. If Captain Save a Hoe here sleeps better at night by calling me gay....then more power to him...i'm at a bar with bitches buying me drinks while this pussy is at home dreaming about suckin off Heat Myser. Queer ass.