jaydub816 said:
1.) What Makes Me A So Called "Loser"?
lets see.........sitting on the computer browsing the I-Candy forum at midnight on a friday night would be the first step to loserville.
trying to pick up chicks on a message board.....yeah....that makes you a loser.
jaydub816 said:
2.)I Aint 16...get the facts straight fag...and get this.. i know for a fact i get more FEMALE ass then you...so shut it
My bad....you're 17....i know for a fact you've never met me or anyone i associate with on a daily basis. So keep on with your "i get more ass than you" speech...i bet you get a lot of ass sitting on the internet on a friday night...so go eat your boyfriend's dick...cum stain.
There is one thing that I can prove.....you're mom likes to call me Jamie when I'm fuckin her...kinda freaks me out...but i look past it...is that wrong?
jaydub816 said:
3.)I Was Just Fucking Playing About The Meeting At My House....Unlike Your Meetings For Fags Outta Prison
Yeah, i bet you were...fuckin psycho. Fags outta prison eh? come on, get a little more creative if you're gonna get your panties in a bunch.
jaydub816 said:
4.)If Anyone Is A Loser In This Forum...It Would Be YOU, With Your Gay Ass Winamp Plugin That Tells People what You Are Listening To Or Whatever......Just Because You Get Shit Before Us Dont Make You "Cool"!
btw....why do you capitalize each word? That's annoying as fuck. Almost as annoying as your bitch ass whineing and asking me and swick for all these songs. Sounds like you're just a little jealous bitch. You shouldn't let all that sand in your pussy overcome your everyday life.......infact imma go to westlake and buy you a shovel.
I'm sure you get hookups from 70 Mile.....so it evens itself out.