I agree with END!!! Eminem's a dope-ass rapper and all, but he seriously needs to quit his bitching and whinning!!!! That's why I hated him for a while before. I really thought he matured, but oh well.... Eminem/Shady Ent. are some frail-ass fucks. I hope Tech didn't take Shady Ent's bitching to the heart cause he doesn't really need to rely on a song with Eminem just to get big (if it came to that conclusion that is!) But yeah, Eminem and Shady Ent. need to quit acting like some bitches!! Just cause Tech can rap with other rappers that Eminem or anyone else in Shady Records can't, they need to fuckin bitch.
About Esham, GODLIKE SUCKED ASS!! but after hearing some songs off Repentance, this album looks to be pretty ok, but I highly doubt it will be as good as "TONGUES".