Zer0.MediA said:
Well there's Fuckoff, Lejo_BROKE, Delgado, JUSTIN...
Every post fuckoff makes looks like this, "shut up you fuckin' queer" or "you fags are retarded". Just use the word fuck and add a homosexual reference and you've got every post he makes. Every post Lejo makes looks like this, ""do you know what pisses me off (apart from zero media)how there not righting the bible today and so on i mean it has been writtin for so many years ... but nothing has been added in like ... a long time!!" (actual quote). Delgado posts are a mixture of wannabe thug and 11 year old downs syndrome patient... "yo im so hard, your on the east coast pussy. new york this (insert awful mom joke here) new york that. I'm a ghetto hard gangbanger, i swear", and there's JUSTIN "HOW MANY "THE'S" WILL BE ON THE SECOND PAGE FROM THE LEFT IN TECHS NEW ALBUM ON THE SECOND ROW OF THE CD RACK TO THE LEFT AT 7TH HEAVEN ON THE SECOND TUESDAY OF THE MONTH WHEN IT'S RAINING FOR MORE THAN THREE DAYS STRAIGHT AND WHATS TECHS NEW FORMULA?"
Welcome to special education class, please don't eat your crayons.
Ooooooohhhhhh Shiiiiitttttt
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...........
Zer0 fuckin' killed that shit... Dude your the fuckin' Aaron Yates of the Siccness Strange Music Forum, officially dude... I would call it quits after someone said some shit like that to me... OUCH...
TheVille31 Here's another classic killin' right here homie...