New Study: 655,000 Iraqi deaths since invasion

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RIP SouthernComfort
Apr 10, 2006
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Pretty much...

Dont say anything if youre not prepared to back it up...
My bad Jesse, and 2-0-Sixx, I mean no disrespect. I won't even get in to my views, and frustrations. Carry on.

Oh and 2-0-Sixx I'm well aware of my lack of knowledge, I'm okay with it, I live a good clean life despite the setback.
Sep 22, 2006
satherp5 said:
Yeah it sucks that innocent people die, but that's war. Get the fuck over it. Judging by some of the way ya'll bitch about the U.S. all the time, it could be 655,000 americans dead and you'd still find a way to blame the U.S. You don't like the way shit's done here, get the fuck out.
^ ALREADY! thats what IM SAYIN'!

most them iraq's that die is because of their own people anyways, their own people be exploding shit up not caring whos around. They should just give up so we can end this shit already.


RIP SouthernComfort
Apr 10, 2006
That's okay, the only thing I have a real big problem with is, yes a lot of Americans have died in Iraq, and for bogus reasons according to you guys. I just don't think all the fallen soldiers and their families would want to hear that they died for greed, or any other negative reason.
Sep 22, 2006
satherp5 said:
That's okay, the only thing I have a real big problem with is, yes a lot of Americans have died in Iraq, and for bogus reasons according to you guys. I just don't think all the fallen soldiers and their families would want to hear that they died for greed, or any other negative reason.
true, true...
May 13, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
Most of the people dying at the hands of American Soldiers are because of Iraqi Insurgents.
Here is a breakdown of the research:

Of the total number of war-related deaths, an estimated 600,000 died as a result of violence, including gun shots, car bombs and other explosive devices, and air strikes. An estimated 31 percent of these, or 186,000, are attributed by the study directly to coalition forces—that is, these Iraqis were killed by the American military or its allies. According to the study, gunshot wounds caused 56 percent of violent deaths—an extraordinarily high figure that points again to the direct role of the US military.

An additional 24 percent of war-related deaths are attributed to other sources, including sectarian killings and suicide bombings, while 45 percent are classified as unknown.

The report states that the US intervention has killed more than twice as many Iraqis in the space of three-and-a-half years than were killed by the regime of Saddam Hussein in the course of its 24-year reign, based on the estimate by Human Rights Watch of 250,000 to 290,000 killings under the deposed Baathist government.

The 55,000 additional deaths from non-violent sources are attributed by the study to heart attacks, cancer, infant mortality and other illnesses. This increase is directly related to the destruction of Iraq’s social infrastructure, including electricity, sanitation, clean water and medical care.​

These figures give us a bit of a picture of the costs of such a massive war crime. US Imperialism is to blame for ALL of these deaths.

All of this to seize control of Iraq’s vast oil resources and establish a hegemonic position in the Middle East.

In addition, the US policy of supporting different ethnic groups and pitting them against each other has led to the sharp increase in sectarian killings over the past year. The ultimate cause of all the deaths, as well as the uncounted injuries, lies in the decision to launch the war itself.
Dec 25, 2003
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
What happened to the Jews didnt look like "genocide" at first...2 million Jews later though....HMMMM...
I can't believe you believe this official government story bullshit.

We all know the Holocaust never happened and its a myth created by Zionists.
Mar 18, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
The Iraqi's are dying as a result of the Amerikan invasion. Plain & simple. Do I think it's genocide? Nope. Do I place the blame solely on Amerika? Absolutely.
I agree 100%.

Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Explain please
Gladly. According to who or what, and based on what material, will this invasion never meet the criteria for genocide - that was your question. I am going to paraphrase the definition of "genocide" in question form. You can then read the question and answer for yourself.

Has the United States, with complete malice of forethought, developed a system with integrated methods of exterminating the entire Iraqi population based on an intangible prejudice towards the people of said country?

You can answer yes or no, it has no affect on me. I am trying to present to you a more clear outline on what "Genocide" actually is.

Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Again....explain. Do you have proof to this claim?Seems to me...the US is doing just that...they have killed over half a million IRAQI people sicne they invaded which is what...a little over 3 years now?
1. I am not clear as to which claim you are requesting proof. It is logic that tells me there is no malice of forethought. In this case logic serves as enough proof to back this claim up. What would the U.S. have against “Iraqi” people? It is not the color of their skin because they are allies with, and are apathetic towards many other countries with the same human characteristics. I believe the burden of proof lies on you. You would have to prove they have some hatred for Iraqi’s specifically. I can not possibly prove that they like Iraqi people. I can't even prove our government likes us if you follow what I'm saying.

2. Check out this link: It is a website that collects reported casualties in Iraq. On this specific page is a list of over 30 instances where Iraqi’s are attacking other Iraqi’s, all in a period of 12 days. This war has been going on for years now, so you can imagine the numbers to be exponentially greater.

So yes, half of a million people have been reported killed in Iraq. But to assume, and to accredit all deaths to the United States is shortcoming. You can play the blame game all you want, saying that “well if the U.S. never invaded…”, then I will say “Well if Saddam never…” etc. etc. A because B, B because C, C because D. A because D? No because this is not an invariable equation. Other factors come into play and conditions are changed.

Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
Even though 2.5% may not SEEM like alot of people...655,000 people dead is still 655,000 dead because of US greed for power... What happened to the Jews didnt look like "genocide" at first...2 million Jews later though....HMMMM...
I was not alive to observe what was going on in Europe during the second world war, but I can tell you this much; If I was made aware that the Nazi’s were rounding up ALL of the jewish people, taking them to concentration camps and killing them one by one in cold blood, I would have never questioned it to be genocide. Not even for a fraction of a second.