New Study: 655,000 Iraqi deaths since invasion

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May 13, 2002

by Sarah Boseley
Republished from The Guardian
Lancet study updated by Johns Hopkins researchers

The death toll among Iraqis as a result of the US-led invasion has now reached an estimated 655,000, a study in the Lancet medical journal reports today.

The figure for the number of deaths attributable to the conflict – which amounts to around 2.5% of the population – is at odds with figures cited by the US and UK governments and will cause a storm, but the Lancet says the work, from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, has been examined and validated by four separate independent experts who all urged publication.

In October 2004, the same researchers published a study estimating that 100,000 Iraqis had died as a result of the war since the beginning of the March 2003 invasion, a figure that was hugely controversial. Their new study, they say, reaffirms the accuracy of their survey of two years ago and moves it on.

“Although such death rates might be common in times of war, the combination of a long duration and tens of millions of people affected has made this the deadliest international conflict of the 21st century and should be of grave concern to everyone,” write the authors, Gilbert Burnham and colleagues.

Click here to read the rest of the article
May 13, 2002
How many more hundreds of thousands must die?

Republished from Star Tribune

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army has plans that would keep the current level of troops in Iraq — about 15 brigades — through 2010, the top Army officer said today.

The Army chief of staff, Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, cautioned that people not read too much into the planning, because it is easier to pull back forces than to get units prepared and deployed at the last minute.

“This is not a prediction that things are going poorly or better,’’ Schoomaker told reporters. “It’s just that I have to have enough ammo in the magazine that I can continue to shoot as long as they want us to shoot.’...

Read the rest here
May 13, 2002
Not yet. Let's wait until the death toll reaches a couple mill, then we can throw the term around.

Whatever the lable may be, the facts are still the same - hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, many of which are innocent women and children, are being killed each and every day.
May 13, 2002
Thousands displaced every week

Sectarian violence, armed militias and death squads have created a situation in Iraq where revenge attacks go unchecked, the United Nations’ top humanitarian official said Wednesday, citing statistics that 100 people are being killed in the country every day.

“Many of those are killed by gunshots or have been tortured to death,” Jan Egeland said. “Revenge killing seems to be totally out of control.”

Egeland, the U.N. undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs, said the “blunt, brutal violence” has targeted police, recruits, judges and lawyers. Women, he added, were increasingly being attacked in so-called honor killings.

In addition to the deaths, he said the “very worrying deterioration of conditions” for Iraqi civilians has resulted in 315,000 people being uprooted from their homes in the past eight months. He said sectarian violence and military operations were responsible.
[end excerpt]

Click here to read the rest of the article
May 9, 2002
Well....the US is doing what it wanted to do...clear a straight path for their oil line...

I remember someone posted up something about a book that predicted this in the year 1996...the author was a former politician or something to that also stated that Asia was the FINAL frotnier to total control over the world...and look whos on the radar?N Korea...

Sometimes lviving in America makes me want to vomit...cus you know the world looks upon us the way our government has portrayed muslim-hating,porky,rich and uncompassionate....

Oil, money & power really does=BLOOD
Mar 18, 2003
Jesse fuckin' Rice said:
To whom?The masses?The government?
The meaning of the word.

2-0-Sixx said:
Not yet. Let's wait until the death toll reaches a couple mill, then we can throw the term around.

Whatever the lable may be, the facts are still the same - hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, many of which are innocent women and children, are being killed each and every day.
Still won't be considered. There is no malice or intent of Genocide. Most of the people dying in Iraq are at the hands of Iraqi Insurgents. Most of the people dying at the hands of American Soldiers are because of Iraqi Insurgents.

What is happening in Iraq is a far cry from Genocide.
May 9, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
The meaning of the word.
Explain please/

Still won't be considered. There is no malice or intent of Genocide. Most of the people dying in Iraq are at the hands of Iraqi Insurgents. Most of the people dying at the hands of American Soldiers are because of Iraqi Insurgents.
Again....explain. Do you have proof to this claim?Seems to me...the US is doing just that...they have killed over half a million IRAQI people sicne they invaded which is what...a little over 3 years now?

What is happening in Iraq is a far cry from Genocide.
Even though 2.5% may not SEEM like alot of people...655,000 people dead is still 655,000 dead because of US greed for power...

What happened to the Jews didnt look like "genocide" at first...2 million Jews later though....HMMMM...


RIP SouthernComfort
Apr 10, 2006
Yeah it sucks that innocent people die, but that's war. Get the fuck over it. Judging by some of the way ya'll bitch about the U.S. all the time, it could be 655,000 americans dead and you'd still find a way to blame the U.S. You don't like the way shit's done here, get the fuck out.
May 9, 2002
satherp5 said:
Yeah it sucks that innocent people die, but that's war. Get the fuck over it. Judging by some of the way ya'll bitch about the U.S. all the time, it could be 655,000 americans dead and you'd still find a way to blame the U.S. You don't like the way shit's done here, get the fuck out.
Wow...look at this ignorant one...

I blame the US for endangering the lives of our soldiers in Iraq...many have died over what?Can you tell me?What is this war over?

Can YOU tell me why we are in Iraq please???


RIP SouthernComfort
Apr 10, 2006
Forget it, I am not even about to get in a never ending arguement with you, 2-0-sixx, and whoever else hates America. I apologize for even saying anything, sometimes you guys just drive me nuts. Forget it. (what I really mean though is continue to talk shit, bash America, and make yourselves feel better. PLEASE!)
May 13, 2002
satherp5 said:
Yeah it sucks that innocent people die, but that's war. Get the fuck over it.
Would you "get the fuck over it" if your entire family was murdered in war? Well, I hope your family dies by the end of this year. Then, and only then, you can come back and tell me how you "got the fuck over it."

Judging by some of the way ya'll bitch about the U.S. all the time, it could be 655,000 americans dead and you'd still find a way to blame the U.S.
Well, about 3,000 amerikan troops have been killed and yes, I do blame amerika for their lives as well.

You don't like the way shit's done here, get the fuck out.
That's what the Nazi's told the Germans. It's also what racist white Amerika said to the blacks (and still do). "Go back to africa if ya'll don't like how things are dun round hurr."
May 13, 2002
satherp5 said:
Forget it, I am not even about to get in a never ending arguement with you, 2-0-sixx
Maybe it's because you're a mental midget and cannot engage in a simple conversation for more than 5 minutes. Reading & typing got you down? Too difficult for you comrade? I suggest enrolling in some basic courses in communication, English, and some other low level classes available at a near by community college.

and whoever else hates America.
This is a common misconception amongst the mental midget population. I do not hate amerika. I actually love amerika, as well as humanity in general, which is why I have such strong opinions. I love my homeland and I do not want to see it continue to go the direction it is going. If I hated amerika, I would support the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and hope for a nuclear war with North Korea and Iran as well.
May 9, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Maybe it's because you're a mental midget and cannot engage in a simple conversation for more than 5 minutes. Reading & typing got you down? Too difficult for you comrade? I suggest enrolling in some basic courses in communication, English, and some other low level classes available at a near by community college.

This is a common misconception amongst the mental midget population. I do not hate amerika. I actually love amerika, as well as humanity in general, which is why I have such strong opinions. I love my homeland and I do not want to see it continue to go the direction it is going. If I hated amerika, I would support the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and hope for a nuclear war with North Korea and Iran as well.
Pretty much...

Dont say anything if youre not prepared to back it up...

I dont HATE America...i HATE WHO runs it and HOW its run....not the same as hating my dare you come at me like that....