Out of everyone listed in this thread Hopsin has the most credentials as far as a following goes.
However I don't see any reason for the Strange roster to add another artist right now.
Irv should get it just due to all his hard work, but none of these dudes are going to be the "new" face of Strange. That whole line of thought isn't even applicable to the people currently on the roster, let alone new guys with little to no heat in the industry.
Hopsin seems to be the furthest off since he's never done music with the guys, but he's garnished more heat than Scoob, Kutt, and Krizz have ever done cumulatively.
Talent and passion aside, if I ran a business, my employee's would have to mesh well with existing ones regardless of their abilities.
Then again, I don't own a multi million dollar business yet, so yeah...