Here's Another
Then prank call this stupid muthafucka:
::hone number removed due to police request::::
so apparently this idiot was getting called by some telemarketer or someshit and he got into it with the broad on the phone or something and tried to call back....well, he was too stupid to put a 1 in front of the number and dialed my shit trying to ask me hella questions like who I was and shit and he tells me what happened and I'm like " need to dial 1, cuz I live in Oakland" "I live in oakland too, and when I dialed that 207 number your number came up" "uh....yeah, you need to dial 1 first.....dumbass <click>"
so I guess he dials the number again and apparently speaks to a sheriff who said his number is being used in a scam, then he calls me back accusing me of being a part of it.....then switches to "you should call the police bro or get the phone company involved cuz someone's using your number" "no, you're just too stupid to not realize that you have to dial 1 first" he tried cussing me out with some "hey homey, fucking a fuck you bro <click>" so instead of getting all heated and calling him back I figured there might be others that wanna fuck around with him