New Siccness 4.0 problems/errors

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Feb 14, 2006
Can you give me a quick update on what that proplem is?
I thinik hes referring to how we arent able to actually click a link that directs us to any post of ours that has been propped. It shows the post number instead of an actual clickable link like it used to.

I think lol
Jul 28, 2011
word... our boy Gabe works hard for this site
u guys acting like he's doing serious work or something, man this forum is a ready-to-use-software, u just gotta make sure u got the rules right and after that just watch, all this downtime and other shit thats been going on siccness its because gabe doesnt know how to do the job
May 14, 2002
Since the last update I noticed this: (see pic, and one time scaled up) I noticed this in both Firefox and Safari.
It's not significant but I never saw this before since last week and I thought I'd let you know.

Also I'm experiencing a bit of a challenge when attaching a picture to a post. Apparently the only way it works for me is by using the basic uploader. And even then I'm not sure if it's spot on 100% of the time.
I don't know if it has been said already or if someone else experiences the same, but just to inform.
In this post too I tried to upload a picture. I'm not sure it worked though.