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Jul 22, 2004
this is what i can say right now to the "people voicing they opinion". u guys just heard the cd TODAY for the first time. let it soak in a little before u make comments like trash! lol.... he didn't make hyphy shit so some of yall might not feel it as much. for people that like hearing good MUSIC then this is a great album. we aint really trippin off your opinions though. we hear em but it doesn't mean much. we care about these a&r's and executives' opinions. the pds, mds, and mixers opinions. he made this shit for the world, not for just one region, one genre, one race, etc etc. support this record!
Jun 30, 2005
for people that like hearing good MUSIC then this is a great album
hell yeah. quinn touched on that real shit, that club shit, that gangsta shit, and that hyphy shit. this is an all round great album. shit is the truth. way higher quality than most these bay albums that come out. support this shit.
Aug 15, 2005
Meelo said:
it was koo...just WAY too over hyped..
yea then u might not like the quinn cd then cuz if u felt like that about ya boy then u prolly gon feel the same about this one... but imo the rock does slap tho u just gotta listen to it for the content and not just the beats ya know wut i mean it lived up to my expectations tho
Aug 15, 2005
PressPlay Prod. said:
ya boys album was coo after so many months of me listen to bits and peices of it here and there,i wasnt feelin it at all at first, i liked his mixtape "future of the franchise" better then his album, but after a while the cd wore on me, the only tracks i dont like on rookie of the year are like the last 3or 4 tracks...

ima cop quinn cd no matter, im broke right now, so ima be in rasputins tradin damn near my life for it. lol

yea dawg i felt the same about ya boy when i first got it but then it grew on me like crazy but trust u wont be dissappointed in the rock its knocks all the way thru
Aug 15, 2005
i dunno bout scott storch but i know rick rock wuz suppoose to have a beat on here and hes a big name producer... as a matter of fact thats the only thing that dissappointed me bout quinn cd that the rick rock joint isnt on here i was real real hyped for that but ahhh well i hope quinn still releases it tho
Aug 4, 2002
nastynia said:
wow u guys are gay..............................................................................u know if he died today that cd would be the best cd ever.....thats sad....
Realest shit that's ever been posted on here!
Aug 7, 2003
nastynia said:
wow u guys are gay..............................................................................u know if he died today that cd would be the best cd ever.....thats sad....
FIrst off thanks for honoring my opinon as the topic. anyways to the quote, lets take it to the extreme, what if every rapper died? every cd would then be classic? Plenty of rappers are dead with cds that arent good, like big ed from no limit not all his cds were good. Not all of Mac Dre cds are tight, unless you worship dude and think his shit smells like flowers. Good lookin mikevice and i think tim c about opinons, dudes say its hate but its not. done deal kenny, i know you have to like the cd cus its what makes you money, its your job. but for any critizism your fans have you should listen to them and see if you learn from their ciritcism and better your product for next time. its not a bad cd at all, its just not what i expected from one of frisco's finest and one that has put out classics just as recent as last year and the label that dropped ya boy's cd that is far better then this cd. your right this is my first listen so it might get better next time or it might get worse. either way support the cd and buy it cus I did and judge for yourself. cus any promotion is good promotion right?
Aug 7, 2003
and why did this thread get moved? it was just as good as kontac's posted or the offical the rock post its becuase this one doesnt praise the cd, so we get put in the lesser viewed board so the fans wanting opinon better they spend their hard earned money wont get the impression of what other fans think of the product. "someone" must of asked to move it. cus i know dj mark 7 wouldn't move it, dudes real.
Jul 6, 2005
Mr. "MikeVik"......Your opinion is accepted, but come on everybody. Lets all get this album and form our own opinion. I'm sure "Mr. Viks" taste of music, isn't what I follow. Support Quinn!
Apr 26, 2004
from looking @ the tracklistiings and already heard of some of the songs, i think itll be an ALRIGHT (7/10) album. still, can some1 tell me what happened to the track, "The Bay Is In The Area"? it isnt on the tracklisting.


Sicc OG
Apr 14, 2005
The CD slaps all the way thru only found about 3,4 songs I dONT LIKE but the rest of it is great. Done Deal really stepped it up with the production on this one. Cant wait to buy the retail release on the 7th.
Feb 10, 2004
hella_numb said:
FIrst off thanks for honoring my opinon as the topic. anyways to the quote, lets take it to the extreme, what if every rapper died? every cd would then be classic? Plenty of rappers are dead with cds that arent good, like big ed from no limit not all his cds were good. Not all of Mac Dre cds are tight, unless you worship dude and think his shit smells like flowers. Good lookin mikevice and i think tim c about opinons, dudes say its hate but its not. done deal kenny, i know you have to like the cd cus its what makes you money, its your job. but for any critizism your fans have you should listen to them and see if you learn from their ciritcism and better your product for next time. its not a bad cd at all, its just not what i expected from one of frisco's finest and one that has put out classics just as recent as last year and the label that dropped ya boy's cd that is far better then this cd. your right this is my first listen so it might get better next time or it might get worse. either way support the cd and buy it cus I did and judge for yourself. cus any promotion is good promotion right?

Is not critisism callin a starting a thread with the word "Trash". Yeah the starter is stating his opinion, but its hella overboard when niggaz say shit like that, whereas if they were talking to Quinn directly they would use different words. I understand that people don't like the CD, but they come on the boards and put 2 much on it.


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
Thats pretty shady of the siccness mods moving this to a forum that barley gets any traffic, let people voice their opinions on BART thats what its here for. Judgement day is an album review forum, I hate it when this kind of shit happens

If anything attach these posts to the Quinn thread "You want to be seen" so everyones opinions are accounted for not jus you want to be heard, this is supposed to real not some commie board!

I'm getting the new Quinn for sure though, most of the Siccness are little teenagers that have their mouths so securly attached the hyphy movements nutsack they wouldn't know what a good hip hop album was if it socked them in the face. Quinn is a lyricist, not just another sheep riding the thizzed out hyphy bandwagon.