New Michael Moore film "Sicko"

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May 9, 2002
DJ Mark 7 said:
Actually it IS a screener....Not a TS or anything of the like...

and PLENTY of screeners are released while the movie is still in theatres. Hell I've had the "300" screener for a couple months now. They get sent to academy members and some critics
Releasing a screener while the movie is out is a BAD move on the companies part. This must be a new trend becuase ive rarely to NEVER see screeners out before the movie is out of the theaters.
Apr 25, 2002
screeners come out before the movie(it's given to oprah so she can watch it at home..:rolleyes: ).. but they don't always leak before the movie comes out.... happens to tons of movies.. did bordertown ever even come out yet?.. i had that shit for like a year.
Apr 25, 2002
and oh yeah... that movie was pretty damn good.. you guys think americans will ever stand up for somethin' like free healthcare.. if most of us are middle and lower class then it should be a easy vote to win.. right?.. would this have to be federal law.. or could just some states do it.. like with cannabis.
Jun 2, 2002
DJ Mark 7 said:
Actually it IS a screener....Not a TS or anything of the like...

and PLENTY of screeners are released while the movie is still in theatres. Hell I've had the "300" screener for a couple months now. They get sent to academy members and some critics
Truth. I have the 300 Screener also, but it's like a DVD Rip, the quality is flawless and there are no markings on it. I didn't even bother downloading the official RIP later on, still watch the Screener.
Jun 2, 2002
big D said:
Free healthcare is all good, until you know someone who gets a masectomy due to breast cancer. Has their breast reconstructed as a size C, when the other one is a D, because that is all the had in inventory. I heard of someone this happened to in Canada.
What's the big deal about that? The women had cancer dude, and lost a breast, she should be greatful, un-evening titties or not, that shit can always be fixed.

Man, that's MINOR compared to other things that happen. Try getting the wrong limb amputated, or going in for a fucking check up and coming out with no limbs. LOL. Doctors make SAV mistakes, people make mistakes, shit happens.
Aug 28, 2006
Mr. Samos said:
What's the big deal about that? The women had cancer dude, and lost a breast, she should be greatful, un-evening titties or not, that shit can always be fixed.

Man, that's MINOR compared to other things that happen. Try getting the wrong limb amputated, or going in for a fucking check up and coming out with no limbs. LOL. Doctors make SAV mistakes, people make mistakes, shit happens.
ya and she'll get that for free too, if she lived here it'll be a different story


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
I have to say I think this is by far Moore's best and most important work to date. As I originally said, I'm not a Moore fan by any means but he did an excellent job with this film. I highly recommend it.

even though the emotional crap got kinda wishy washy and patronizing at times it was a good flick.

moore is back with more of his "pick and choosiness" of the facts. you can find it yourself if you watch close enough.

one segment it shows scrolling down a list saying that america is so bad its 37th behind slovenia, but completely ignores cubas standing behind america on the same list when praising cubas medical care.

overall its a good movie and gets the debate started about the outrageous situation we have in america in regards to healthcare and the profit incentive tied to it, where decisions on health care are based on whether its a good financial decision for corporations instead of whats best for the patient.

the only real bad part about it is his portrayal of other countries health care systems as flawless, and almost as though people cant wait to get sick to go to the hospital because its so great. lol


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
mrraskal666 said:
i wonder if this movie will change things in the future for the U.S.

free health care soon anyone?
health care isnt free in europe or canada, its paid for by their taxes. and i hate to break it to you but its not all fine and dandy like the movie portrays it. there are long waits for certain care, and things you really need or want done right you end up paying for anyways. dont look at this movie as like "aha! thats the solution, lets do like canada and europe and everything will be fine!!" no, the movie should be a wake up call to change our system, not adopt another one thats not working properly either.

dont let michael moore dupe you into thinking brits or the canadians are much better off than we are. they just get fucked in a different kind of way in the form of waiting lists, higher taxes, etc....
May 13, 2002
I noticed that too about Cuba but the entire point was too show that if a poor country like Cuba can have Health care for free, there is no reason why the richest nation in the world cannot either.

Plus, it is no secret that the Cuban healthcare system is a great success, despite the US embargo that restricts certain medicines to ever reach the island.
Jun 2, 2002
phil said:
health care isnt free in europe or canada, its paid for by their taxes. and i hate to break it to you but its not all fine and dandy like the movie portrays it. there are long waits for certain care, and things you really need or want done right you end up paying for anyways. dont look at this movie as like "aha! thats the solution, lets do like canada and europe and everything will be fine!!" no, the movie should be a wake up call to change our system, not adopt another one thats not working properly either.

dont let michael moore dupe you into thinking brits or the canadians are much better off than we are. they just get fucked in a different kind of way in the form of waiting lists, higher taxes, etc....
I do agree to a certain extent, it is Michael Moore, and he is just a filmmaker. A very good filmmaker, but he is just that, and only that. He documents films, that is all.

But, America's healthcare system is wrong, and it's cheating billions of people, you can't defend it in any way, period. Something between 21-31 million Americans go without Healthcare YEAR ROUND. In 2004, I think it was around 41 million. That's almost 16% of the American population. In 2005, 46 million Americans. And it's INCREASING. That's crazy town. And although the majority of American citizens are covered, they aren't guaranteed health insurance. Americans have to pay out the ASS for care, only to get dropped or denied coverage, and statistically, the QUALITY of care isn't exactly better, in any way. This is a fact. Private sector doesn't work, period. Employer-based coverage isn't working.

Every single citizen in America should be covered by healthcare, that should be a STANDARD. Every citizen has the right to be treated. And yet that's not the case.

I agree the system in America needs to change, and I agree following another way isn't the solution. The only solution would be to evaluate and study the systems and adapt the positives of each of those systems and minimize the negatives, to develop towards one solid system. However obviously it's more easier said than done, we can talk about it for years with no change.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
oh i hope noone was under the impression that i was defending the american system. its just that if you look into it, all these other countries with so called "free health care", the same thing is happening as the us. PEOPLE WITH MONEY ARE GETTING BETTER CARE. PERIOD.
Jun 2, 2002
Another aspect that comes into play is population. America is the third most populated country in the world with 302 million. There is no such thing as "Free Healthcare". But when you have to pay something like 6 grand for a broken leg, you know something is wrong. When your doctor takes off the cast three times, because your insurance cut you off, and you risk re-injuring your leg, because the cast wasn't on for long enough, and when you get the cast back on, you have to avoid going back to your doctor, and cutting the cast off yourself, just so you know for sure you heal, you know something is wrong. It's not about having "Healthcare" for free, it's about everyone being able to RECIEVE care in general. America needs to adapt a universal system. With a population of 302 million and 46 million of that aren't recieving any healthcare, something is wrong.