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May 7, 2009
There is no more onemob. Philthy rich and mozzy are no longer cool with eachother for whatever reason. They both went on a delete rampage on IG and erased eachothers pictures and unfollowed one another. People were asking them why the beef on live but they wouldn't elaborate on it.

On a side note, lavish D and Lfinguz are also beefing now. Lav posted a "mob brothers" pic with Lfinguz crossed out and wrote some caption about finguz then deleted it when finguz fired back.

Also lizk posted some shit dissing lav saying hes on PC and he aint his brother.

Nor cal rap game falling apart as usual.
damn them niggas done fell out too? i thought it was strange they ain't really promote that political ties album they had and hadn't said shit about one mob 2 in forever.