LOOOOOLLLLLLL @ this PM he sent me
seek forgiveness??? Really??? What the fuck are you some kind of church goin bible thumper??? There may have been a dude named Jesus back in the day, but he was merely human. Not some fucking magical Son of God! you will never catch me seeking anything from a mythical holy ghost! now I have a better idea how unintelligent you are! When you start talking that God shit about forgiveness, you might as well tell the world you're dim and simple! Ain't no such thing as God and Jesus bro! but keep praying too the magical gods in the sky that can't hear you because they don't exist if it makes you feel better about your life. Wake the fuck up! I'll be just fine being in control of my own existence. you'll never catch me asking anyone for forgiveness, you fucking joke! Unbelievable! LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
breh, listen... the name of your group is mind numbingly gay, and typing long drawn out posts to me in private about the existence of god will NOT change that, nor will it justify it to the greater heterosexual consensus
your playa patna at the beginning of this thread said you've been making beats for 21 years, which puts you square into the late 30's territory... and you're arguing with other grown ass men about them calling your group name gay, in which it's 100% true. if you're not an attention whore, then you're still a hyper-emotional man thats pushing 40. and you're moist.
you need hey soos.