I'm absolutely amazed by how similar you are to the effeminate college geek pseudo intellectuals who post on pop culture message boards. Every last one of your attempts at humor have been shitty ass neutered/good taste humor you'd find at an office party - and now you're saying "tool." What will you say next, "Dude?"
Look here you peckerwood piece of gay. Eventually you're going to feel alone on this message board because nobody is quite as fucking queer as you. You might as well get it over with and leave. You'd fit in better if you went to one of your faggot ass white parties and pop open a Heineken, put on a pair of Gap shorts and a hoe ass hemp necklace and talk about how "this party is like sooooooooooo shady dude." Or go to a rave and dance like a square with Jessica, Ryan, Jen and whatever generic white friends you got and play with lights all fucking night.