What was leaked sounded ok, but does anyone else feel like dubees lyrics (on that bootleg inparticular) sounded more... well, simple? almost too simple? AND repetative? I swear he uses tha words "thizz", "wizzle", and "arrrararafa" every 5 seconds on damn near EVERY track. Also the his background voices (which there are many, too many) and a combination of misc. made up words make it hard to understand what hes sayin... I understand hes representing thizz to the fullest but jesus I think hes over doin it.
Yeah it has slaps, most def. I mean, it is dubee afterall the man has not put out a shitty album yet, great features, tha beats slump (a few are so-so), but all in all that bootleg is not even in comparison to any of his previous masterpieces... not even Turf Matic, IMO.