New C-Mob album available now!!!

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Feb 8, 2003
If you only knew who you were talking

It dont matter who you are I never heard of you so quit acting like you some bum fight ghetto celebrity. anyway you got your shit all twisted how am i stealing something that was online for free? i said when c-mob gets his distribution shit together and have hard copies available ill cop it I dont want to buy no mp3 album I want the actual cd since im a collector. so please get a life and shut up nigga you just starting a argument over shit that dont concern you. C-mob a grown man if he has any problems he will speak on it and he dont need a rinky dink ass publicst(you) to speak for him.

far as you making your little monkey ass threats you not gonna do nothing so take that somewhere else im not pressed. also sorry about your girl or whatever you was talking about.

In closing I told you im done arguing so take your helmet, singlet and asics boots off and just hang it up you lost this argument I won.
Feb 7, 2007
It dont matter who you are I never heard of you so quit acting like you some bum fight ghetto celebrity. anyway you got your shit all twisted how am i stealing something that was online for free? i said when c-mob gets his distribution shit together and have hard copies available ill cop it I dont want to buy no mp3 album I want the actual cd since im a collector. so please get a life and shut up nigga you just starting a argument over shit that dont concern you. C-mob a grown man if he has any problems he will speak on it and he dont need a rinky dink ass publicst(you) to speak for him.

far as you making your little monkey ass threats you not gonna do nothing so take that somewhere else im not pressed. also sorry about your girl or whatever you was talking about.

In closing I told you im done arguing so take your helmet, singlet and asics boots off and just hang it up you lost this argument I won.
sorry but...chill out mane, stop wit this bullshit and show more respect in this thread...if u respect anyone here!C-MOB open this topic sell copies..not for fight wit the other members...

Feb 8, 2003
I meant your talkin' to a real life gangsta.
I'm not gonna threat anybody online.
so yo,
keep bangin' and doin' you be on that net-thuggin'
But I'm 99% sure you a real life pussy ass fuckboi!
with a big ass mouth when your keyboard bangin'.
And I'm truly sorry such a ignorant fuck had to come
fuck this thread up. I'm done replying to your ignorance.
Ask Bad Seed about me.
He'll tell you how real life I am.

Go bang then and get off the internet buddy lameback.

Im not no damn net banger not once did i say im a banger you fucking idiot. You did make threats talking that wwe promo shit about me coming to indiana or whatever simple shit you was talking.

I dont even care about you to be asking some bad seed(dude across seas) about you. u probaly some fat ass hillbilly that wants to be a nigga and down. why would i even waste my gas going to meet you on some dummy mission set up shit. This isnt no i-matchmaker and im not down with meeting other men what your lame ass wanna do take me out to dinner? Get outta here with that hacksaw jim duggan tough talk promo shit and quit replying back to me cornball

sorry but...chill out mane, stop wit this bullshit and show more respect in this thread...if u respect anyone here!C-MOB open this topic sell copies..not for fight wit the other members...

You betta tell your friend that shit he started this shit and I finished it. I was trying to drop it but he keep bringing it back so everytime he respond back imma get right back in his shit.
Feb 8, 2003

What are you on man? are you sayin' Indiana nothin' but
I didn't start shit!"REAL TALK"
I never said anything negative directed towards you."REAL TALK"

Bad Seed lives in Brazil, But He knows I'm a real mufucka y'know...
Don't lie about shit and do what you say your gonna do no mater what it is.

"u probaly some fat ass hillbilly that wants to be a nigga and down"

why would you even bring that up?
what are you a racist?

I havent said nothing bad about indiana(ive gotten my dick sucked by a few ind females before) or I didnt say anything to make me racist so quit twisting shit up u dillusional bastard. I was straight owning your ring ling bros clown ass so quit trying to get other people in your shit to side with you this between u and me.

and i was right
you are a fat ass hillbilly.looooool

Jul 7, 2002
12-22-09 release for Best Buy. Once all store orders are confirmed I will post a list of stores...looks to be 100+ stores from Atlanta to Indiana, up to Minneapolis, and down to Oklahoma.


Oct 12, 2004
Good lookin' out Freix :)

Eh C-MOB... if you ever need another guitar solo for one of your tracks, let me know... I got just the dude for ya. That Matt Mitchell did one hell of a job at the end of "This Town" though, mad props to him... that solo seems to fit just perfect, I can't stop listening to it.
Apr 6, 2007
holy shit... have you idiots ever heard of pm, or email... godamn
yeah fareal...
I can't believe that dude got me mad like that to act ignorant enough to even respond.He just shouldn't have talked about my girl...
My babys mama is dead dogg and That offended me.
Sorry.I deleted all my responses to the bullshit.
Jul 7, 2002
I'll be getting in touch with people who have expressed interest in helping promote this and invite anyone interested in helping us on the ground with the promo to contact me.

Feb 8, 2003
owning what?you just make yourself look dumber with every word you type.
"I fucked your bitch,uhuhuh,your a fat hillbilly,uhuhuh...I done fucked you up with words...deedeedee.hahaha & whos the judge for that? You?
man your fuckin' stupid. I hope C-Mobs fans aren't all like you cuz your a disgrace to
the whole hip-hop community. why are you actin' like your hard on the internet?
you obviously have no respect for others.Let alone yourself.
I'm a hillbilly?
I grew up in Chicago punk,you wouldn't live threw the shit I been threw.
I am from the streets.
I spent half my life homeless. I had to hustle to live.
I never had a mommy & daddy to live off of like you.

to me sayin that I "Wanna be a nigga & down"
thats racist you ignorant fuck.& down with what?lol
you? cuz you a mufucka that wants to be down
cuz if you was really bout a set you would'nt even phrase that
like that. your obviously insecure and talking about how you feel about yourself hoping
that it makes you feel a little better, Because you don't know me so all the shit that you talk just makes you look stupid. Notice how I never lied and said shit about you besides the obvious fact that your just a little insecure bitch.
A fuckboi. Thats what you are kid, a punk.
that is obviously a fact.

WTF DOES ANY OF THAT GARBAGE YOU WROTE ABOVE HAS TO DO WITH THIS THREAD? ARE U DONE CRYING YET? I told u I was done and to quit quoting me but you wanna keep it going.?

You remind me of one of those annoying lames who be in jail (that you wanna tell shut the fuck up talking to me) who just be roosting about himself all the time like Im a thug, I did this, I did that, my life like this, u ask ask so and so.

who fucking care about you and your failure called a life I bet your still a bum wearing the same jeans and socks for days. dumb muthafucka you suppose to better your shit not stay in the same situation forever. It dont matter what city u grew up in your still a fat hillbilly lame you always wanna throw city and all that rubbish in the mix (thats proves my point on you wanting to be down).

let me correct you to on some info real quick

im not racist I just dont like when muthafuckas try to act like they down u remind me of jaime kennedy on malibu's most wanted.

Your the insecure one bc all you keep saying is your a thug your a gangster and all that nonsense talk. I got alot of real street cats in my family murders everything you name it and them niggas round my way dont brag about it they let the streets talk bout it and they damn sure wouldnt get they feelings hurt on the internet if they was on here.

I did my dirt in the past but im not getting on here and speaking on it bc thats not my style & i dont have to impress anyone on here with mistakes i done in my younger years maybe one day you will grow up and realize that. another thing ill correct you on is i dont live off my parents im a grown man for one my father dead been dead since i was a kid so i had to take care myself.

dont be mad bc your a fat ass "homeless" hillbilly. Now lets dead this shit now and let c-mobb music be the topic bc we basically highjacked this thread on that one way.

dueces nigga! like killa cam said i holla.

Sep 26, 2006
I got my copy this week.Thanks homie!!This is propably your best cd so far,
and i like them all.Beats where really good and topics/lyrics where topnotch
Feb 7, 2007
right on... post up what you think about it after you listen to it homie... good or bad...
im a big fan from all your albums, this album is fire, i luv that track Gutter Livin feat. T-Rock and Fly Away, the beat and the flow is perfect..great album just dope tracks..I hope you continue that line and release more albums...
Thanks Again for the album!Much luv from Brazil!