Musty homie do me a favor and follow these steps exacly.
1)Go here
2)click "try now free"
3)install program and open
4)click on "options" then on "configure" and click "update definitions"
5)click on "SWEEP ALL FOLDERS","sweep memory", "sweep registry"
6)select all your hard drives in the "select hard drives sweep window
7)select "sweep priority level" to high
8) click on the "active shields" tab
9) make sure homepage, memory & cookie shields are on.
10)click on "sweep now" and hit "start"
This program should find every damn spyware on the comp. I use this over spybot and adaware cause it found more traces of shit when the other 2 claimed my comp was clean. also once you are done hit the MIN tab on the top right of this programs window. it will run in your task tray monitoring shit running in memory and if someone trys to change your homepage. if they do it will prompt you to change it back or ask you if you are the one doing this in general and if you want to allow it or not.
one more program for ya.
download this
1)open it and make sure all your hard drives are shown for scan in the little window
2)go to preferances and make sure everything in there is checked to be scanned.
3)scan computer now.