Nitro the Guru said:
I agree on that, but who are we to say what these fire-fighters are thinking? There are some who want to be one just to save lives and to help people, some just like the pay and only do what they have to. There are some out there that would jump into a firey building because they care for the life inside, not just because they want to be recognized. I don't think compensation should play a factor, rather the mindset of those who are at question.
I wonder how many of these people give to charities.
It is only logical to think that if one cares for other people, then he will help other people.
Nitro the Guru said:
Assuming that were talking about these presidents knowing they are going to be in harsh battles, I really cannot give a yes or no answer. Im leaning towards FUCK NO, though.
This Iraqi war is an example. There's no way in hell Bush would've gone after Hussein if he had to join the front line right?
The only way I see a President going to war himself is if there is really a threat out there. Thus, what I said earlier that there's hardly any wars worth dying for.
Nitro the Guru said:
Remember one thing, miggidy. There are many things about the way this country operates that I don't agree with. Im not some simple minded I LOVE AMERICA type of fool that will tell you everything we are doing is COOL just because of the love I have for this nation. Many times you see me arguing people on this board in support for our Government, is not always because I agree with what they are doing, it is because of the COUNTLESS pre-mature statements and opinions that are thrown around about our Government. People on this board question EVERYTHING in a negetive manner, without truely knowing why we did anything.
I understand where you are coming from.
Nitro the Guru said:
I don't know for a 100% fact that IRAQ has WMD, you don't know for a 100% fact that they don't, yet people on this board act like they talked to Sadaam personally and he told them there were no WMD. When you guys look at the invasion, you ONLY see MONEY, OIL, POWER. Did it ever cross any of your guys' mind the kind of shit that goes on in that country? Do you really think Sadaam is not a THREAT? Yet a peacefull man going about his business running his country. There are many questions to be asked, I just dislike the way people are quick to answer them with negetive OPINIONS.
What we do know 100% is that WMD haven't been found.
Logic tells you that if there were WMD in Iraq, we would've found them by now.
But even as the odds are quite slim for the hope of finding WMD's,
I remain optomistic for the sake of our people.
They are being targetted all over the world right now because of this shit, and finding WMD would help ease some of this hostility.
We all know Sad'dumb is a dick!
I just don't agree that he was an immediate threat like Bush hyped him up to be.
Logic tells you that if neighboring countries are willing to assist Bush in strippin him out of power then he ain't as dangerous as Bush said he was.
Now if you believe that Saddam is as evil as you say he is then wouldn't it make sense for him to use WMD on our troops and the neighboring countries that helped us?
It's all common sense bro....
This war was uncalled for....
Had we really wanted to get rid of Saddam, we should've assissted the Kurds back in the 90's when they needed our help to topple Sad'Dumb.
Nitro the Guru said:
IRAQ. I don't completely agree that invading IRAQ was the right thing to do. I don't think WMD were the sole purpose of the invasion. However, I believe Sadaam needed to be releived from office, by any means necessary. Ill leave it at that.
You don't agree with the invasion but then you say Saddam needed to be taken out by any means necessary....
Which one is it?
Saddam was no bigger threat that anyone else who's Sam's enemy. Lil Kim over in N. Korea is a bigger threat he's only a few months away from finishing a nuke that can reach us here in Cali.
Thing is, Bush's handling of foreign policy has made life more dangerous for us instead of makin it less dangerous.
The Afgan war was justified, even though I don't think it was all that succesful (Al Queda's still carryig out terrorist attacks).
But the Iraqi war has not been justified as of this moment and because of that it served as fuel to a fire that was already burning. Instead of supressing the fire, it's made it larger.
What buggs the hell out of me is that Bush was warned of this and yet he still went about his business.....
He fucked up big time, and I think he needs to be impeached.
No chance of that happenning though, he's America's favorite John Wayne wanna-be right now.