Zer0 FUCK YOU. Your assuming all juggalos are racist? FUCK YOU. That's the most ignorant bullshit I've heard in my life. If you don't like ICP I can respect that, but to talk about that to their fans, what the fuck? If you don't like ICP don't mention them. It's that simple, don't come on here ripping their fans just because you don't like their music. Also, stating ICP fans are like a cult is fucking retarded also. Oh by the way TheVille, fuck you too. There is no brainwashing going on. I just don't understand why as soon as someone even mentions ICP on here there's always some jackass saying "Fuck ICP they're gay". That's weak man if you don't like them don't mention it. Toastid was just trying to give some info and he gets ripped apart, that's stale as hell. If you don't like ICP just say you don't like the idea of Tech at the gathering, or just keep your mouth shut. It's as simple as that.