I got some random collabs in the laptop right now
JimmyPowers-Black Mikey-Pedalay "Streets to Beach"
I gave Chrymes a beat a while ago not sure if he used it.
SupaSav'ed Out gave me a beat for a mixtape he was doing, and my verse came out immediately as a stand out so I ask for the track, and being we had history in the Navy together he blessed me with it... Miki Vale of Sleeping Giant is hopping on it, and I was hoping to link with Johaz as soon as he is done working on his "DAG SAVAGE" project with Exile.
east coast, west coast can link....if the medium(beat) can cater to both styles...
I am just super picky with beats, and also quality....so sometimes I don't touch a pen until I feel every aspect of what I am about to do..
I am with collabs with all types, as long as the track comes out "Fresh and Believable"