damn gente show this loco some luv what the fuck gives any 1 the right to disrespect him at lest he didnt come on here talking masa all he wanted was some feedback on a question and woodie gave it to him.
^^ok captain save a school kid....regardless homie needs to go top school or somethin cuz he obviouslu soakin up his "game" via the music he listens to..which aint how its supposed to be
It$ obviou$ he'$ new to the net. He didnt even know what "lmfao" meant, which is why I $tated that. If he I$NT new to the net, then he'$ completely $tupid for that. N-E-Who....fuck em and feed em D-Con. P'z
^^ok captain save a school kid....regardless homie needs to go top school or somethin cuz he obviouslu soakin up his "game" via the music he listens to..which aint how its supposed to be
Woodie, or any one, if you see this. the lyric thread was closed,. I was wondrin if anyone had lyrics from the song "skandocious" if thats the real name, my frined burned me the cd.
do you see what i see. croked ass po's and dope feins.