To answer the MVP question:
As far as Kobe goes, he's the best perimeter player in the league, the most skilled scorer in the league and the 2nd best (KG being the first) all around player skill-wise in the league.
He doesn't make his team
better though. Point blank. You don't see much of a difference in the Lakers when Kobe is there or if he isn't there. They lose just as bad with him as they do without him.
As others have said, when Nash is gone the Suns are
*does Bill Walton impression* "Hooooooorrribble"... I'm estimating here, and I'm sure the real numbers are out there somewhere but Nash probably accounts for somewhere between 40 - 60% of the Suns offense (his points and his assists). He is what makes that team go cause it sure wouldn't (and hasn't) work the same with Barbosa as the starting PG.
Again... Nash = MVP
Dirk is a woman

Watch him pull a Peja and just disappear against the Warriors, lol