what gets me is, you took the time to write all this shit, and you couldn't even come up with a decent degrading thing to say. you know nothing about what goes on in california, you have made that obvious. it's also you have no support for the shit you say in here other than your alter ego A-Z. i love how you talk so much shit on america and canada, yet when someone says something about canada you try and make it look like the hardest place in the northern hemisphere. who gives a fuck about how many immigrants there are in canada, especially if they spend their whole day bitching about being in canada. but maybe i should not say anything at all since you the hardest, most fearless, most intelligent mafukka on the siccness. and WOW, you read the post where i accidentily called lynch a scrap, that don't mean shit coming from you fool, you can't even spell the word "all" correctly, you understand now how lame it is to try and fukkin clown when someone makes an honest mistake?????? save your bullshit, you speak on here, yet you have no idea about any of the subjects in here. the only shit you have spoken on that you know anything about in here was the tupac subject cause you watch that fukkin thug angel religously before bed time. here, i challenge you, say one post directed at me that doesn't say something about my religion or my occupation or shut the fuck up, you fuckin SUCKELVIS