yeah this is suspect#2, i am suspect#1's boyfriend. he is in the other room right now layin on his stomach with a icepack on his ass because i just tore his little butthole open a minute ago. he'll be ok though because he LOVES that stuff.
anyways, i just now saw all this gaybashing yall have been doin on my boo. this aint cool!! i mean first those meanies over at evildooinz booted him out after they realised what a disloyal bitch he is (but thats ok because he is MY bitch & i love him), and now its like people on THIS forum are hating on his little "opinions" too.
just because he doesnt have a real thought in his pretty little head doesnt mean yall need to be so mean to him! he is sensitive, yall dont even understand how sensitive my babyboy is.
also, i know he never has anything positive to say & is always jumping at EVERY unnessissary chance to talk badly about Lynch & Siccmade Muzicc, but thats just because he has emotional problems. see, he always has been picked on and bullied, plus it took him years to come to grips with his gayness, so sometimes it comes out as meaningless hatred against successful people. i think that will be over soon, we are moving to Vermont where we can legally get married. i think he'll be a happier person once he becomes my wife.
well maybe you could just try & be nicer to him ok?
now i feel another nut building up so i have to go wake him up so he can swallow it like a good little girl. i just bought us a new Camron poster to hang up over the bed so we can put on our pink bandannas & i can fuck him in his mouth. (his cute little pink butthole will need some time to heal after the damage i did to it earlier).
anyways, leave my little boo alone! he is so precious. especially when his mouth is wide open and waiting for my fat skeet like this: