Mr. Kennedy released from WWE

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Face Scrunched Lookn Rude
Aug 1, 2004
NASWIPP. A subdivision of IKSRTFO
#41 is reporting that apparently Mr. Kennedy was released after Vince McMahon talked to several top stars about Kennedy’s in-ring work and they expressed their concerns about it. Those concerns were about more than just missed spots and the terms reckless and green were used. Randy Orton was not one of those wrestlers, as he preferred to talk to Kennedy himself rather than go to Vince McMahon with this.
Nov 10, 2006
That's what I'm trying to say. Unless Orton was expecting some other move in that spot, I don't see anything out of order with the suplex. I've watched Batista miss a spear completely, and watch wrestlers flop around like they actually got hit. There's more going on backstage than a "botched" wrestling move and his ass kiss attitude. McMahon doesn't put the dude on a no-call list for being a brown noser, considering the "kiss my ass club" was a big part of the program before Linda found it in her heart to tuen down the raunchy behavior.

If it is true Kennedy is going to go wrestle in Japan, then it could be an angle they are working, otherwise TNA would welcome him with an open checkbook.
In the past, WWF/E has had guys coming back get rid of their ring rust in Japan while not being showed on TV in the states.

This guy in the picture below may have something to do with this as well

Feb 8, 2003
They didnt fire him for that one mistake. wwe usually dont fire a wrestler for a mistake especially when no one was injured. it was more to it like i said they(orton and his crew) hated on him and put him under the bus to vince and ofcoarse vince gonna listen to his money makers..
Nov 10, 2006
The Latest
Mr. Kennedy updated his official website ( with the following blog about his "injury prone" reputation:
"If I take a sledgehammer and SMASH you in the side of the head and you get hurt very badly, does that make you "injury prone"?

If I cut off your arm with a samurai sword, and you have to have it reattached (causing you to miss several months of work) are you also then to be considered..."injury prone"?

Well let's say that you're in a match in Italy standing on the apron during a ten man tag match, and a guy is supposed to come over and give you a little forearm which will cause you to drop to the floor, but INSTEAD, he decides to drop kick your ass into the 20th row, he virtually leg presses you off the apron, and you have a "Matrix" like moment in your head where you see yourself flying backwards through the air. You clear the mats that line the floor outside the ring and because you're trying to protect your head from smashing into the guardrail, you stretch your right arm over your head. At the moment you make IMPACT with the concrete floor, your arm stretched out over your head and the sudden stop causes the tendon in your latissimus dorsi (or that big back muscle that you see on bodybuilders, ya know the ones that look like wings...) to SNAP in two and it coils up down your side to the point that's in line with your belly button. Let's say.....hypothetically.......that this happened to you. Would you call yourself...."injury prone"?

Let's throw another "hypothetical situation" out there. Let's say that you're having a match with a guy who's just supposed to give you a lil' old schoolboy to end the match. Just a nice and easy rollup for the finish. In fact the night before he hit you with his finish and the crowd didn't really react as strongly as you would have liked it to, so the agent (or producer) who's in charge of your match that night has told your opponent specifically NOT to hit his finish. Now keep in mind that having said this, your opponent's finisher is probably the furthest thing from your mind. So as you're waiting for this nice little easy rollup for the finish, the guy leaps into the air, hooks your head tight, causing your right arm to get caught between your two bodies, and drives you chest first into the mat. You go from standing to laying on your stomach with your arm stretched across your chest and your shoulder pops out of it's socket, tearing that muscle about 60% away from the bone. Now again, would an event such as this make you......"injury prone"?

Now if something like this HAD ever happened to me (again, these are strictly hypothetical situations), I probably wouldn't say anything about it to anyone. I for one would never want to bury another talent, whine or cry about it, I'd probably just chalk it up to poor judgment, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time, rather than accusing someone of being a stiff in the ring. Let's face it, accidents happen in the wrestling business which is why there are countless videos of "wrestling screw-ups" on YouTube. Every once in awhile if you're in the wrestling business, you're gonna get a BOO-BOO."
Nov 10, 2006
When you mentioned Dino Bravo, it got me to wondering how many people even know who that is nowadays. Tidbit fact: Dino Bravo was murdered by the mob while a part of some sort of cigarette scam.

It does make it more challenging compared to the days when there was WCW, NWA, AWA, WCCW, WWF, Global, and the others, not to mention Japan. Ultimately having the 1 major will not only hurt the wrestlers opportunities, but really, it hurts the fans in the long run.

Nov 14, 2002
I'm not suggesting that this has anything to do with his release, but Bob Holly has been claiming that Kennedy got him sent to rehab and fired. Holly says that Kennedy set him up, telling Holly to go get some meds from his bag in the locker room. Holly was busted "stealing" pills out of Kennedy's bag.
"I got a call from Bob today when he was boarding his plane and he told me what he wanted to talk about on the shoot. He asked me point blank can he say what ever he wants and I told him that this is his day. This would be his platform to do what ever he wanted. He went off on a 5 minute promo on how he wants to beat the hell out of Ken Kennedy on the phone and told me about his major heat with him. This is not a work at all and on the interview, Bob goes into what happened to get these two once best friends into a bitter battle. You will hear right from the mouth of Bob, how Kennedy told Bob to go into his bag and get something out of it for himself. I do not want to get to graphic here because it makes the shoot. You have to watch this as soon as you can, as Bob sends a private message to Ken on this tape. I would not want to be in the shoes of Mr. Kennedy!!!"

I never got around to seeing that interview but that's how the story goes. Perhaps some people were a little annoyed considering Bob Holly was with the company for 15 years or so.