^lol.....YOU didn't wanna be RUDE? That's a fuckin milestone....lol....jus kidding....About the "does she swollow" part.....I'll let you know next time I'm in Seattle....lol.....jk jade...
Paleeeeeeease..............Ryan aka Sixxness wouldn't know what to do with Jade if he had an instructional video (aka porno). He's still a virgin......lol.
Paleeeeeeease..............Ryan aka Sixxness wouldn't know what to do with Jade if he had an instructional video (aka porno). He's still a virgin......lol.
Paleeeeeeease.......Dave aka Mr. D-Sane just likes to think he's funny....but he's really not. And Dave, I'm not a virgin....I would say something but I like my front teeth where they are, lmao....