fuc netbangin little homie...my pic is in my profle i aint hidin from shit..ill be at jerrys famous deli on saturday night on sunset wit my goons i aint trippin off shit..i dont need to walk around wit a gun to be hard..i knoc nigga s out if need be..thats what life is about..its about makin money and taking care of yours..but i just get sic of you mexicans walkin around like you hard..tough..no education...no job..fuced up credit..yall could have lowriders..we started flossin rims on tv..period bitch 22 s and 24s not one mexican rapper came out with that shit..yall all want to be like us..thats why all yall at the raiders games..lakers..when you cheer for the raiders and lakers name one mexican you cheerin for..i got so many points i could make..but i rather not waist my time..to bitch ass stomper i sent you bitch ass mexican ass a pm message..and that bitch came wit a receipt..bitch i know you read it..fucin bitch..las vegas..feb..ballinnnnnnnn..i aint leavin the house with less than 10 gs for that weekend..mexicans jsut mad cause yall aint got shit poppin like that...everybody talkin all star weekend in vegas..and mexican bitches talkin about it ..to see who to see what..to see niggas...fagoot ass bitches