Motivational Thread [NSFW]

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Stalka All Day

Yeezy Taught Me
Jun 28, 2007
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! hahahahaha what an asshole! and why you had to use that messed up pic of me!
this just proves your ass was right click saving my flicks...which other ones you save?! weirdo!!!!

Where is Stalka today? Usually she's postin' up a storm...
girl, they took off the internet at my work...stupid assholes!
that's Stalka All Day aka No Butts aka NoAssatoll aka Leggo my Eggo aka Flat Board aka Pancake Azz
Hush it!


good shit i didnt make the joke this time so she cant get all butt hurt

(on account of having no ass?)

you still faulty for laughing about it!

she sure is...

i should persuade her with some coke..........................hahaha
you can try.................
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! hahahahaha what an asshole! and why you had to use that messed up pic of me!
this just proves your ass was right click saving my flicks...which other ones you save?! weirdo!!!!

girl, they took off the internet at my work...stupid assholes!

Hush it!

you still faulty for laughing about it!

you can try.................
pancake booty or not, I'd buy her a dinner at denny's, she's cute in my book