Mortal Kombat

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Rest In Free SoCo
Sep 27, 2004
right on brehs..i dont got no HD setup so i dont think the graphics will matter much..i hate squinting because the damn letters are HD only
Apr 2, 2010
I played the first 2 god of wars, kind of a boring game if you ask me. Its just feels like a sidescrolling (in alot of areas) Dynasty Warriors with less freedom to do what you want. The cutscenes and bosses are cool I guess though, people praise the "puzzles" all the time but theres nothing even hard to figure out in the game. I guess cheap adventure hack and slashes aren't my thing..

Also, Kratos looks overpowered in Mortal Kombat..Dude has alot of long range attacks and decent speed...


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
kratos is going to be ridiculous to fight against when people learn his move sets....christ he has so many weapons...helios' head, the flaming bow and arrow, the gauntlets, and his blades...imagine the combo stringing that will take place...


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
heres a bit more on kratos....ed boon ( mk ) and stig asmussen ( god of war ) interview

“The first time we saw him we thought, ‘Oh my God, what a great Mortal Kombat character he would make.’”
Ed Boon is very excited. The Mortal Kombat creative director and co-creator can finally spill his guts regarding one of the most anticipated video-game crossovers of all time: Kratos’ exclusive guest appearance in the PS3 version of Mortal Kombat. “We kind of felt it was meant to happen,” he says. “We think we’ve done Kratos justice.”

Ed Boon and God of War III director Stig Asmussen don’t remember who made the first phone call, but both recall the Kratos crossover talks starting early in Mortal Kombat’s development cycle. “I remember somebody saying, ‘‘hey, there might be this possibility of Kratos appearing in Mortal Kombat,’” Stig remembers. “I said, ‘ You gotta be kidding me, we gotta make this happen! Let’s get on the phone.’” Describing himself as a “huge God of War fan,” Boon was all too eager to work out the details and spark a larger collaborative effort between both studios.

Capturing “the real Kratos” in Mortal Kombat was a prime goal for Boon and Netherrealm Studios, but it wasn’t always an easy one. “The God of War team set certain ground rules,” Boon says. “From the beginning, we were absolutely set on respecting the character.” Boon describes a “receptive” relationship with Sony Santa Monica Studios – creators of God of War – during development of Kratos’ Mortal Kombat incarnation, with Boon’s and Asmussen’s teams regularly trading feedback and ideas. Absolute authenticity being a key consideration, Boon’s team went so far as to use Kratos’ God of War III character model as a reference asset. “Once we started sending playable builds of Kratos, that’s when they got specific regarding things like animation,” Boon recalls. Particularly regarding Kratos’ fatality, which went through a number of edits and revisions due to feedback from Sony Santa Monica Studios. “It was mostly minor stuff, certain tweaks to the animation,” Boon remembers. “We went through a lot of iterations, but in the end, when you look at that screen, you see Kratos.”

Asked about his favorite aspect of this chaotic crossover, Boon answer comes easily. “Just seeing Kratos and Scorpion on the screen at the same time. You never thought you’d see that.” Boon loves God of War and, in particular, Kratos because he’s “unapologetically brutal.” The feeling is mutual – Stig is a longtime Mortal Kombat fan, too. “One of the strongest points of Mortal Kombat has always been the character design,” he tells Boon. “You’ll see a character and you’ll know it’s a Mortal Kombat character.”

Kratos’ guest turn in Mortal Kombat wasn’t without a few creative conundrums, of course. As a demigod, Kratos is not one to show vulnerability. So at first, seeing the all-powerful Kratos torn to pieces by the likes of Shang Tsung – in glistening HD detail thanks to Mortal Kombat’s gruesome character damage modeling – came as a bit of a shock to Sony Santa Monica Studios. “The things that were being done to Kratos were not things that we were used to seeing,” Stig confesses. “It’s taking it to an almost uncomfortable place at times because here Kratos can get his ass kicked.” On the other hand, Boon points out, “Kratos is in the mud like everybody else.”
“I will say that I’ve never seen his skull before this game,” Stig counters with a laugh. “But man,” he adds, “you guys really pulled through. I’m proud of that game.”

Yes, Kratos has an ending. But there’s a catch. “From the start, we decided we wouldn’t put him into the Story and have him interacting with Scorpion or things like that,” Boon explained. But when you conquer the Arcade ladder, you’ll get your just desserts. “We do explain what happens when Kratos wins the tournament,” Boon hinted, describing the endings as “a lot more elaborate” than in prior games.
Yes, Kratos has a fatality. No, we’re not going to spoil it here. “We had 10 fatality ideas we wanted to do,” Boon teased. “But the final versions are in line with all the crazy deaths you’ve seen in God of War over the years.” Boon hinted that Netherrealm Studios is making creative use of Kratos’ weapons in designing his kills, adding, “It’s probably over the top, but we’ve always been over the top.”
Yes, Kratos has a stage. And yes, it has a stage fatality. “It has the best stage fatality we’ve put into any Mortal Kombat game ever,” Boon said excitedly without further elaboration. The stage itself was inspired by the end of God of War III, when Kratos battles Zeus in the Chamber of Flame. “That fight had an almost fighting-game mechanic,” Boon said, “so when we saw that we thought, “It’s writing itself!”
Yes, Kratos is being carefully balanced. How do you balance a character who is practically omnipotent? Not an easy question. “Kratos is interesting because his God of War fighting style is so long range – it’s designed for crowds,” Boon said. That approach won’t necessarily fly in a one-on-one fighting game, so Mortal Kombat emphasizes Kratos’ close-range brute strength and reserves the long-ranged attacks for special moves. “Anyone who loved MKII or MK3, which are particulatly combo-centric, are going to be happy with Kratos.”
Yes, Kratos uses X Weapon. “He has more weapons in this game than any of our other characters by a factor of two,” Boon confirmed. We spotted the Bow, Cestus, Blade of Olympus, Icarus Wings, Helios head and, of course, the Blade of Chaos.
No, Kratos won’t participate in Test Your Might. “We’re not too shy about putting our Mortal Kombat characters in silly situations,” Boon said. “There’s just no humorous side to Kratos,” Boon said. “You’re not going to see Kratos do a Friendship … we kept him out of those situations out of respect.”

click the link to watch video ....


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
GoW 1 & 2 were cool, couldn't shake the feeling of "this is a Devil May Cry rip off" while playing them tho. Still haven't played 3, but it looks cool. The appeal of that game to me was how it strived to be "epic" in all aspects. The dumbed down controls make me prefer DMC tho.
May 3, 2002
The God of War series is probably my all time favorite. I didn't really think of DMC ever while playing it.. God of War 3 is a must own game IMO. Id say definitely in my top 3 games ever category.


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
during the MK2 days in the arcade..there was a glitch that would make mileena/kitana's clothes turn red...rumor starting going around how it was a secret character names was a glitch in the game....but like ermac became a real character..

if you didnt know ermac started out as a glitch also turning reptile into a red palleted ninja in MK 1....ermac is short for error macro


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
the reward for completing the final challenge in the challenge tower is

SPOILER: ǝɯnʇsoɔ sʇıd ɥsǝlɟ ɐuǝǝlıɯ

this along with lots of other information was leaked from game files extracted from the demo


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
the reward for completing the final challenge in the challenge tower is

SPOILER: ǝɯnʇsoɔ sʇıd ɥsǝlɟ ɐuǝǝlıɯ

this along with lots of other information was leaked from game files extracted from the demo

ive known about that since about 2 days after the demo was released...and its pretty fucking gay that people had to go and ruin a lot of the excitement....i have chosen not to read anything about the story or or anything concerning those files...from what i hear about that file is that it will spoil the enjoyment of playing the game the first time....

would anyone play games or watch movies if they knew what was already going to happen...some assholes decrypted the demo unlocked files and shared it to the the game will never live up to how you will read it and picture in your mind

i ask that you not contaminate this thread with major spoilers..some of us dont want to know

...the 300th challenge reward is stupid...


si vis pacem para bellum
May 4, 2006
i created an incredibly accurate version of The Shredder (cartoon version) in that game.. still wish my ps3 was backwards compatible.
shredder was hella easy to make in the kreate -a-fighter...i made he-man, skelator, jason voorhies, the was pretty fun too...kinda wish that it would be brought back...