KleanKut said:
after the first coupple months here i saw this country and the shit hole conditions these people lived in under sadamm.
For the record those “shit hole conditions" they were living in were not because of Saddam, but because of the first gulf war, where we destroyed their basic infrastructures and placed massive amounts of sanctions on the Iraqi people which crippled the living standards severally and literally killed millions of civilians, mostly children. If you know your history you would know that the standard of living in Iraq before the first gulf war was actually quite high for the mid-east.
Now i mean i love what we are doing for this country, bringing democracy, civil rights, a consitution, womans equality.
Do you believe that is why you're in Iraq? Come on KleenKut, you're smarter than that. You’re not fighting for freedumbs. The US isn’t there to help or rebuild Iraq for the better. If you cannot see by now that,
1). There were never WMDs.
At one point before the war you stated, “Thats funny we seem to have pictures and intel about the weapons. The public has been shown the pictures. Trust me we have enough reason to invade.” Clearly you believed the false information your commanders were telling you. Now, here it is Sept. of 2005 and no WMDs. In fact, no one talks about them anymore because no one is looking for them because there are no WMDs. Surely you understand this now and you know you were wrong.
2). We did not go in to liberate the people from Saddam and
3). There are $$$BILLIONS$$$ of reasons why we are in Iraq.
The latter you’ve already admitted in the past, but like a true republican it’s something you often like to ignore (“I agree it would be nieve to think that there wasnt economic intrests fighting in the midle east“ and again “Plus yes there are economic intrests.” –kleenkut).
If you cannot see these things now or if you still refuse to accept the true motives for this war, the award for dumbest siccness member goes to you. You were wrong before the war, your leaders lied to you time and time again, and yet you still believe you’re doing a good thing.
More importantly we are helping honost people make money and provide for thier family
As US and other foreign companies suck millions and millions from the country?
However i am willing to risk my life ot help these people and if i die in the prosess then it was the will of god, and i will know with my diing breath, with my one death i have helped many more then me have a future.
If the Christian god that you believe in really exists, you would go straight to hell. A true Christian does not want to kill. A true Christian does not want to be in war. You are the opposite of a true Christian. Read your bible and learn from it (yep, this is coming from an ATHEIST). Jesus was about peace, not war. And yet before the war, what were you doing? Praying for Peace like a good Christian? Nope. You were praying for War!
KleanKut said:
funny im in the army and
i pray for war. Being an Ameircan Soldier with out a war is like being a down hill snow skier in summer.
I pray for the declaration of war like he prays for the first snow fall.
Well, you got what you prayed for. I hope you catch a bullet in the face, you fucking idiot.
I swear on my dead mothers grave,i will kill as many of these insurgent fuckbags who threaten the Iraqis future as it takes.
And these insurgent fuckbags swear on their families graves that the US bombed, that they will kill as many US fuckbags and US-Iraqi fuckbag tools as possible.