More than 150 dead in Baghdad today, hundreds more injured

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May 13, 2002

BBC News

More than 150 people have been killed and hundreds injured in a series of bomb attacks and shootings across Iraq.

In the worst incident, at least 114 people were killed and 160 injured when a car bomb exploded in Baghdad's mainly Shia district of Kadhimiya.

During the night, gunmen killed 17 people in the nearby town of Taji after dragging them from their homes.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq claimed it had begun a nationwide bombing campaign to avenge a recent major offensive on rebels.

In a statement on a website, the group said it acted after US and Iraqi forces attacked insurgents in the northern town of Talafar.

Iraqi officials said 157 rebels were killed and nearly 300 arrested during the operation.

Wednesday became one of the deadliest days in Iraq since the US-led invasion in March 2003.

The attacks once again showed the limits of military might as a solution to the insurgency, the BBC's Rob Watson says.

When under military pressure in one part of Iraq, the insurgents simply strike elsewhere, our defence and security correspondent says.

The attacks came as a final draft of the Iraqi constitution was handed to the UN.

After months of negotiations, the draft is due to be distributed to Iraqis before a referendum on it on 15 October.

In attacks elsewhere:

Three Iraqi soldiers are killed when a car bomb targets their patrol in the Al-Adel district of western Baghdad

* A bomb explodes by an Iraqi National Guard convoy in the northern Baghdad district of Shula, killing at least four people and wounding 22

* Two US soldiers are wounded as a suicide bomber rams a vehicle packed with explosives into their Humvee in east Baghdad

* Gunmen kill four policemen in Baghdad's northern district of Adhamiya. Three Iraqi soldiers and four policemen die when a suicide car bomber strikes as rescuers arrive to help

* A suicide car bomber attacks a US convoy close to the Rashid Hotel in the Green Zone, although it is not yet known if there were any other casualties

* A suicide bomber blows himself up in Baghdad without causing any other casualties.

Labourers targeted

A suicide bomber drove his car at 0630 (0230 GMT) into queues of labourers who had gathered on Oruba Square in Kadhimiya, Iraqi police spokesman Maj Musa Abdel Kerim said.

Every day, large numbers of construction workers gather in the square in the north of the city to be picked up by their employers.

According to some reports the attacker lured the workers towards the vehicle before detonating the bomb.

"We gathered and suddenly a car blew up and turned the area into fire and dust and darkness," one of the workers, a man named Hadi, told Reuters news agency.

British Foreign Office Minister Kim Howells said in Baghdad that the latest attacks "will not stop the heroic attempts of the Iraqi people to create a safe, brighter future".

There have been frequent sectarian killings in Baghdad and central Iraq as mainly Sunni insurgents seek to incite fear and hatred between the Muslim communities.
Apr 25, 2002
Welcome to my hell, and you say the US doesnt belong in Iraq. We need to be here to quell any major terrorist uprisings so shit like this doesnt continue to happen. I have bad feelings about this month. Liberals like to blame the insurgent violence on the war but that is total bullshit. We arnt doig this. The terrorists arnt even doing this for sadamm they are doing it ccuz they are ass holes and want to pretend they have a cause. What cause are they fighting for? its all fuckign bullshit.
May 13, 2002
KleanKut said:
Welcome to my hell, and you say the US doesnt belong in Iraq.
Damn straight you have no right to be in their country.


We need to be here to quell any major terrorist uprisings so shit like this doesnt continue to happen.
Shit like this will always happen, thanks to you. You created this hell. The US fucked the Middle East and gave birth to a demon (I.T).

I have bad feelings about this month. Liberals like to blame the insurgent violence on the war but that is total bullshit.
Oh really. So this isn’t a direct result of you fucks invading a 3rd world country and destroying the place?

We arnt doig this.
So what are you doing? What the fuck purpose do you have in Iraq? Are you guys and gals going to magically create a peaceful, US-Friendly country? Good luck with that and remember South Vietnam.

The terrorists arnt even doing this for sadamm
Why would anyone want to fight for Saddam? Are you just now figuring out that the rebels aren’t fighting for Saddam anymore?

they are doing it ccuz they are ass holes
Gee, wow. I'm speechless. No one has ever broken down the motives of war like this before. "They are doing it because their assholes." Great explanation far the best point you've ever made.

and want to pretend they have a cause. What cause are they fighting for? its all fuckign bullshit.
Riiiight. They're just pretending they have a cause. Man Kleankut, You are on a roll today!!! Hey, this is just pretend! haha, I really don’t believe I have a cause, I'm blowing myself up in hopes of maximum casualties because I'm an asshole!!
May 13, 2002

The War In Iraq is Not Winnable

Baghdad reels from new bombings
Thursday, 15 September 2005, 15:44 GMT 16:44 UK
bbc news

Iraq's capital Baghdad has been hit by a series of blasts for a second day running, killing at least 29 people.

Hours later, 10 more policemen died in the same area following two more bomb attacks and ensuing gun battles between police and insurgents.

Finsish article at bbc news

May 4, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Yeah because we dont want those dirty terrorist Iraqi people on our planet anymore :rolleyes:

i think you might have me confused with others who post on here, i never stated that in my post. :dead: do u want them all gone, is it building up inside u? :paranoid:
May 19, 2005
yo kleankut are you willing to die for the freedom of iraqis? are you willing to leave your parents ,family friends for the liberation of iraqi people?not tryin to prove a point or be a dick at all. but are you willing to lose everything youv worked so hard for in this life, so far, for the chance to help the future of iraq?not the future of america,or global peace,or global terrorism but for the youth of iraq to see freedom one day on there own soil?
May 13, 2002
DeceptaKhan said:
yo kleankut are you willing to die for the freedom of iraqis? are you willing to leave your parents ,family friends for the liberation of iraqi people?not tryin to prove a point or be a dick at all. but are you willing to lose everything youv worked so hard for in this life, so far, for the chance to help the future of iraq?not the future of america,or global peace,or global terrorism but for the youth of iraq to see freedom one day on there own soil?
Actually that would be very admirable but unfortunately the US is NOT in Iraq to liberate the Iraqi’s or to make Iraq a better country. We are in Iraq for our own personal interests and those interests have no concern whatsoever with the people of Iraq.