Modern Warfare 2 mega thread

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Sep 20, 2005
i just got done playin ill be down to mob later i dont like usuin the handguns either the tactical knife just aint workin for me to many people with stopping power that shoot me with 2 bullets before i get to them and had to get rid of lighweight and put SP back on


Sicc OG
Feb 8, 2004
i like my one man army shit

i got 3-4 classes with one man army

power mode, ninja mode, and sniper mode.... and i forget the 4th one right now

i switched up the M16 ACOG for the FAL, took a while to earn the ACOG for it but i kinda like the semi auto assault rifle, its dope for sniping since i got like 30-40 shots in a clip. i was fuckin people up close range from the hip with it too using it on small maps just trying to unlock the damn shit. and the iron sight on the FAL is wack.

on a side note, the AK-47 is the most inaccurate gun i think. even more so than akimbo guns. i picked one up off the ground to mess with since i'm bout to have it unlocked.

and i wonder why they didnt use the AK-74 this year.

another side note, akimbo raffica's are dope. with steady aim, very accurate. even without akimbo, the raffica is tight.
Mar 13, 2003
i think im gonna give this game a rest for a few day's getting tired of that "connection interrupted" bullshit...Been getting that constantly for a few day's now!
Jun 3, 2002
i think im gonna give this game a rest for a few day's getting tired of that "connection interrupted" bullshit...Been getting that constantly for a few day's now!
That shit is getting worse it seems like. We had a part of 3 people, 3 fucking people, and had trouble getting into matches. Sometimes I play with 5-8 people ( we always play ground war ) and it takes an unreal amount of time to get into a match where it actually takes all of us, it will take a couple, kick some, even put some of us on the other team, or we get into a game and it kicks us all out. And alot of the games still experience a ton of lag.

Im glad they fixed the issues they did ( well not on 360 yet ) but this getting a match bullshit better be next on the list, shits just pathetic now.


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
winston i see you still haven't beaten my 38 kill streak :)

i need a break from this game

what other games do you guys suggest me to buy?

i was thinking of one of the following: assassins creed 2, borderlands, fallout 3 game of the year edition


Sicc OG
Dec 7, 2005
winston i see you still haven't beaten my 38 kill streak :)

i need a break from this game

what other games do you guys suggest me to buy?

i was thinking of one of the following: assassins creed 2, borderlands, fallout 3 game of the year edition
Feb 15, 2006
^^yeaaa i usually die after my chopper gunner n start my streaks all over again

I played hella long last nite but ill be at the Browns vs Steelers game tnite so i wont be on til tomarrow night [if i even get on then busy]
Dec 9, 2005
Damn. This shit boggles me.

I was a typhoon in COD4. A legend, if you will.

And in this one, I'm lucky if I get 20 kills. I suck at MW2.

I mean...I haven't gotten my weapon of choice yet (M16) so maybe I'll get better then...but for now...I suck big time.

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
that 50 cal barret is a beast. i was hurtin boys from faaaar away with that shit

and the thumper is good for runners, thump they ass real quick

you just gotta learn the maps cuz theres blind spots in the game where atleast 3-4 people will merk you offtop

i started off by going dead in the middle of open areas now i creep around the sides of them, and crouch/lay down when possible

sometimes i hate gettin knifed but i knife hella people so fuck it

the scar is sick too thats my main gun
Jun 3, 2002
Anyone fuck with the Danger Close perk? It took me about two hours to get the pro version ( you need 100 explosive kills to get pro, 250 to complete pro 6, I wont lie I noob tubed and RPG'd the shit outta people ) as it increases the damage of all your air support, so your predator missile, regular air strike, even the harrier and chopper gunner are boosted ( I have read up to a 40% increase but not sure of that is true or not ). Im gonna fuck with it today to see if it makes a big difference or not, as once I got it last night I was sooo tired I just crashed.


Oct 21, 2002
^ I use it on my rocket/noob tube class, but I only use that when the other team gets a nasty killstreak so not much. Seems like the pro version would be worth using on small maps though

Damn. This shit boggles me.

I was a typhoon in COD4. A legend, if you will.

And in this one, I'm lucky if I get 20 kills. I suck at MW2.

I mean...I haven't gotten my weapon of choice yet (M16) so maybe I'll get better then...but for now...I suck big time.
My friend had a 136 game win streak in World at War playing team deathmatch. His longest in MW2 is 9 lol. Seems like everyone's still trying to get the hang of being sick at this.
Hopefully with xmas coming up there'll be a lot of fresh meat to rank up on