i dont team kill, and i dont find the team killing part funny, but listening to peoples reaction when they get team killed is pretty fucking hilarious a lot of the time.
I was playing free for all tonight and got tossed in a hacked lobby there must have been 18 or more players on it. It was fuckin insane but then every time u spawn ur dead! Yall know the names of these lobbys? how to make one bc they would be fun to fuck with once in a while.
man i just played a game on hardcore that had so many noob tubes i just turned it off mid game..ive never quit in the middle of a game but that shit was the gayest ever...plus my mics fucked up so i couldnt scream at them for being faggots...ugh..im done till black ops man that pissed me the fuck off
i cant put up with getting noob tubed from hella far away in a hiding spot by 3 people on the team who just keep one man armying for new noob tubes and setting new claymores up...that shit is fucking stupid..period
i dont mind if motherfuckers use there noobtubes ocasionally, but them dudes who have them and then the thumper or 1 man army as secondary need to be shot in the face.
Its been months since I've played this game. Figured I could keep my Tango down on standby for awhile and just hold out for BO so it can be that much more funner for me when I get back into the game.