^ some kid sent me a msg talking about that and i was just like wtf is your nerdy ass talking about. he was all "wanna play a private game and take turns getting nukes on eachother?" wtf...why the fuck would i wanna waste time in my day doing some pointless ass shit like that.
honestly this grenade launcher/heartbeat sensor shit is getting out of hand. i keep ninja pro on but its to the point where the game probably has about a week or two left inside my xbox and ill prolly throw this shit in the canyon
kids will have like 43 fucking kills and i dont see them once in the game
and a lag switch? wow. sad.
and how the fuck do you start the game off with a pavelow? that shit is ridiculous, this kid had a pavelow in the air within the first 25 seconds of the game and we werent playing round 2 of domination